Thursday 29 August 2013

What Goes Around Comes Around On The Karmic Wheel Of Justice

The blog is now one month old and I want to say a big "thank you" to its global readers. With close to one thousand hits, I'm blown away by the popularity of it and the encouraging comments from you, the readers. Thank you all so much. Please do share it with people if you think they'd enjoy it.

Hands up if you've ever said any of these phrases or similar "bad karma will get them", "what goes around, comes around - they'll get what they deserve", "I don't need to get revenge, karmic justice will do it for me". Now, hands up if you properly understand karma and the phrases quoted here? For the record, my hand was up the first time and was firmly down the second. I'd like to add that I haven't used any of those phrases for many, many years. I no longer feel the need to hurt others just because they hurt me. I feel blessed because I haven't felt the need since I was about fifteen (although I was very defensive at fourteen - like a Yorkshire Terrier, all bark, no bite). Why don't I say it anymore?

First off, I don't consider it my place to decide who deserves what. Nor do I believe that karma works how we'd like it to when we're in a spiteful state of mind. Too many of us want it to be a vehicle of revenge or a defence mechanism for our own personal use. If you think about it, if karma means that hurting someone else leads to you being hurt back, why are you wishing harm on another? Surely by wishing harm on another "bad karma will get you" too?

What goes around comes around on the fairground of life.

Forgiveness is so much more empowering than revenge or watching another get hurt just because they hurt us. Yet we choose to ignore it so often. We assume that getting karma to do our 'dirty work' will be easier and somehow diminishes us of our responsibility.

It's my understanding that karma is viewed differently according to different belief systems. As usual, my beliefs are a mixture of many belief systems, not that I profess to know anything about karma. How could I? It is after all a force that is at work, not a person running around dishing out punishment on our behalf.

However, what I do believe in is Cause and Effect, The Laws Of Attraction and that whatever you do will come back on you threefold. Our thoughts, actions and words all contain energy and that energy creates our reality. It is therefore our own responsibility for what happens to us. It has nothing to do with us what someone else has done or what happens to them next. If you plant a tomato plant seed, you can only get a tomato plant. You are responsible entirely for your own results.

I know this can be hard to believe when gripped by hurt, but by letting go of that hurt and doing something positive and sincere (The Universe knows when you're faking it!) for the person who hurt you, I promise you that you'll feel empowered. If you can't do that, do what your mum told you "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". So this is me getting all mumsy on you "if you can't do anything nice, do nothing at all", or better still - try harder. If someone does something that hurts or upsets me, no matter what it was, I send them loving thoughts and wish that they get help with whatever issue caused them to behave in such a way.

A tree can only blow in the direction of the wind.
Stand proud no matter how much you hurt. Choose to be different and only give out love.                           

In some religions they believe karma is carried with you through your many lives, in meditation class we accessed our karmic records and I made a surprising discovery about one of my past lives. It made perfect sense and helped me understand this life. I will share it with you all one day. Ooh, so much to share with you all, it's really exciting!

We all know 'good' people who have 'bad' things happen to them, right? Somewhere down the line they are transmitting negative energy and receiving it back into their lives. Also, who are we to decide who or what is 'good' and what is 'bad'? Surely there is just whatever is happening at that time and that's it. If we're all responsible for our actions, there is no 'good' or 'bad' , just what we've brought about. Food for thought.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone and remember any negative thoughts, actions and words you put out there are your responsibility and harm you most of all.

Friday 23 August 2013

Part Two: My First Ever Angel Miracle

It was Christmas 2004, Boxing Day, my family were spending some time with my son and I was spending some time with me, myself and I.

PJ's, a fire, Christmas tree lights and chocolate were the order of the day - oh and a can of Stella - I'm a classy chick! As it got dark and the tree lights glistened it was time to drag myself up and start getting ready for the night ahead. Me and my good friend were heading out to a club in Liverpool. You're all probably way ahead of me here, but I was oblivious and had totally forgotten about my fleeting prayer and my moment of clarity from months previous.

I had a bit of a cold and wasn't feeling great and even considered not going, so I did my best to spruce myself up and then sat down for another medicinal drink by the fire. My friend turned up with our other lovely friend (designated driver) for the long night ahead.

As we got in to Liverpool we stopped to pick someone up, his name was Anthony. I know I should have been paying attention but I was cold, wasted and more interested in what DJ's were playing that night than what was going on around me. 

When we got to the club I struggled over the ice in my five inch heels and frankly, the fact I didn't break my neck is an angel miracle story all of its own! Inside the club we split up as only me and Anthony had coats for the cloakroom. Well, we queued and we queued and we queued...two hours in total was wasted in that queue. Eventually we got our coats in and headed off for drinks and dancing. What I didn't realise was this was an excellent ice-breaker. You try standing in a queue with a stranger and see what conversation comes. Then compare it to how much you'd speak to a stranger on a dance-floor - clever angels!

We all had an amazing night - we always do! Shortly before the club was due to shut at stupid o'clock in the morning, we went to get our coats and you guessed it - there was a massive queue. So, there we were forced to talk to each other again. Don't get me wrong, we got on OK, but there was no lightning bolt like you'd expect - that came later and keeps coming to this very day!

Once at the front of the queue we were hit with the news that they'd lost both of our coats - no-one elses, just ours.  Luckily, Anthony lived in Liverpool City Centre and offered to take charge of sorting it out and getting my coat back to me. We swapped numbers for this purpose.

After a major after party at our friends flat it was time for messy Anthony to head off. We said goodbye in person. I got a generic thank you for a good night text - exactly the same text that our other friends got. I replied to this, then Anthony replied and this is when the text tennis started and chemistry began.

It was a whole three or four months later before Anthony managed to break down my protective wall that I'd built up over many years. The very moment the wall went down and I let him in was the very moment the lightning bolt struck. I glowed from the fact I had found someone so perfect for me and matching every quality I had ever wanted. The slow realisation dawned on me that he had everything I had asked Archangel Chamuel to bring me, that we were incredibly suited, more than I'd come close to experiencing before... oh, and his name was Anthony and he lived in Liverpool, a place where your name always gets shortened and they called him 'Tony'. This was what I had asked for and my special delivery had arrived.

We were due to get married this year on 30th August. Something happened and that wedding will no longer take place. It really doesn't matter. When an angel brings you together, your souls are entwined, your energies mix and there is no need for the pomp and ceremony to seal this. It just is. Not that there's anything wrong with the pomp or ceremony if this is what you choose for you - I like a good wedding.

The many beautiful twists and turns of our relationship continue strong to this day.

I'm so glad I prayed, I'm so glad I let that wall down, I'm so glad I realised that fear was holding me back and that I didn't let it win. 

When things go 'wrong', like queueing for hours, losing things, there is always a reason. Be patient and have faith.

Let your wall down, give love unconditionally and love will come reflected back into your life stronger than ever.

This post is dedicated to Archangel Chamuel for bringing me and Anthony together, for keeping us together through those twists and turns and for sending a beacon of love and light through our world and the world around us. After all, love makes the world go around.

Thanks for reading and sharing my very own angel miracle love story. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Part One: My First Ever Angel Miracle

It had been a tough few weeks, well, years really... where I'd attracted nothing but trouble and strife to my life. If you've ever experienced times like this you'll know it can easily become a 'spiral', a 'vicious circle' and that the Laws Of Attraction send the misery it causes you straight back at you down the energy lines of life, making it harder and harder to climb out of that hole.

This particular week I'd had another freak repair at home along with a battle to get it fixed, appointments with my son, my son was suffering at school and I in turn was suffering at school!. Autumn had arrived slightly early harshly signifying the beginning of the end, for us this meant the clinic and school appointments were harder to get to as I didn't drive back then, plus I had lost of time to make up at work but a lack of childcare options available.

One night things had reached a head and my child had been sad about school at bedtime, amplifying my own feelings of despair and hurt. These feelings peaked as I sat on the edge of my bed, finally alone and able to let the hurt out. I sobbed my heart out and wished I had someone special to hold me and help take the pain away. Even someone to go to just one of the appointments so I could make some time up at work, or to mind my son so he wasn't constantly juggled between childcarers. This felt like an impossibility, I closed my eyes and the warm flow of tears began again. I recognised it was fear holding me back (it always is with everyone and everything).  

When  I calmed down and opened my eyes, something caught my eye. It was an angel prayer book, sticking out from under the bed. I kept it there as it had been given to me by a lovely friend years before and I had no use for it. I didn't pray, I wasn't religious and I didn't really believe in angels.    

However, as it had caught my eye I was drawn to it, tentatively, I picked the book up, sighed at myself for what I was doing and opened the book up.

It opened on a page for Archangel Chamuel and the Angels of Love. I scanned the page and saw that they can help with relationships. Feeling pretty daft I searched for the prayer and sobbed as I begged them to help me and my son with our lives. I asked for help to remove my fear and to find me someone, a life partner that I would marry. I explained I didn't want any more hurt and I no longer wanted to shut love out.

Nothing happened. For weeks I kept my eye out for this special delivery from the angels. No knight in shining armour called round randomly. Fancy that. What a let down. I felt stupid for asking for their help. Then one night whilst sat quietly it came to me from nowhere and for no reason - as I'd all but given up hope... the man I'd meet would be called Tony and from Liverpool. Ugh. I didn't even like the name Tony and I no longer lived in Liverpool. 

In part two I will share with you the day I met 'Tony' and how my life changed for the better. Forever. 

To find out what happened next go to Part Two here

No matter what your situation, how bad things are, there is always a light shining in you, waiting to help you and that light is angelic light. They're on 24 hour call - so use them!

Help is always on the horizon

Below is a basic starter chart for how to ask for angelic assistance, whether you believe in them or not. Better still just ask them simply and in your own way and you will be amazed at what happens. If you know someone who could do with some know who to call...The A Team! Please share this blog post with them to help them.

How to pray to angels…

Which Angel to pray to:
Ask them for…
Light / colour for visualisation
Fiat/Decree ( repeat in multiples of 3)
And the angels of protection
Freedom from fear and self- doubt, strengthening of faith, perfecting your soul, protection from physical and spiritual dangers, exorcism of demons
Archangel Michael, help me, help me, help me!
Jophiel and the angels of illumination
Wisdom, illumination, understanding, inspiration, knowledge, clear seeing, help passing tests, absorbing information, freedom from addictions
Angels bright from starry height, charge my being and mind with light
Chamuel and the angels of love
Love, compassion, mercy, creativity, forgiveness, dissolution of feelings of selfishness/self-dislike/self-condemnation/low self-esteem, finding lost items
In the name of god, I am that I am, in the name of Archangel Chamuel: be gone forces of anti-love
Gabriel and the angels of guidance
Revelation of your life plan and purpose, dissolution of discouragement, joy, happiness and fulfilment, help in establishing discipline and order in your life, organisation of your environment, home purchases, new directions, new careers

Raphael and the angels of healing
Wholeness, vision, spiritual sight, inspiration of truth, healing of body, mind and soul, inspiration for the study of music, physical needs such as food and shelter
I am the resurrection and the life of my perfect health now made manifest
Uriel and the angels of peace
Inner peace, tranquillity, untangling of knots of anger and fear in your psyche, hope, peaceful resolution of personal, social and relationship problems, nurturing creativity
Purple flecked with Ruby
Archangel Uriel, make me an instrument of god’s peace
Zadkiel and the angels of joy
Soul freedom, happiness, joy, forgiveness, justice, mercy, dissolution of painful memories and negative traits, tolerance, diplomacy
I am the living flame of cosmic freedom

 A good starter prayer:
NOTE: ALWAYS start with “In the name of the I am that I am…”
In the name of the I am that I am I pray to the seven Archangels and their legions of light and I pray to beloved Archangel ….and the angels of….and I ask that you……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
I thank you and I ask that it be done this hour according to the will of god.

Top tips:
·       You must be very specific e.g. asking Zadkiel to make you happy will not work as it is not specific enough – He could make you happy for a millisecond in 50 year’s time…..instead try asking to be a naturally happy person all the time starting today and never ending from then on.  Give reasons why and examples; define what happy means to you.

·       Expect to be surprised. Angels deliver what you want in weird and wonderful ways; so you could be run over, have a near death experience that makes you realise life is worth living and therefore…be happy! Another reason to carefully plan what you ask for and be specific!

·       Once you’ve asked, don’t ask again as this is confusing and will bring mixed, if any, results. Believe what you’ve asked for will come and wait for it to happen – you will see results.

·        Angels will not do anything that would be bad for your soul, so if you are not meant to be a millionaire, there is no point asking, as you won’t get it. Likewise, you would hopefully never ask for anything bad to happen to anyone as that would be disrespectful to angels and would not be carried out as it would be against gods’ will.

·       Use visualisation to imagine what receiving your prayer would look and feel like. Picture a light the same colour (as the angels you’ve prayed to) surrounding your image and use when you pray.

·       Don’t expect to not have to do any of the work! You may receive an idea to help solve something, you might meet someone who can offer help, you might have to change how you go about something…it will not necessarily be handed over to you without you having to have some faith and follow your gut instincts or do some of the work. Be grateful no matter how your prayer is answered – you asked for it and if you think about it, if you gave a gift and someone turned their nose up, you wouldn’t give to them again, would you?

·       To have your prayers heard you should work on your karma, like attracts like, so don’t expect angels to want to be near you if you only have bad thoughts or do bad things. The better your karma from your positive thoughts and actions, the louder you sound to angels.

·       To help draw the right angels to you use the fiat/decree and say it in multiples of three.

If you don’t believe…then start with something small and realistic and watch it happen, then build up to bigger things.

It helps to be calm, quiet and focussed when praying but is not absolutely necessary.

The more you pray the better you will get at it and the more you will ‘tune-in’ and receive inspiration to fulfil your prayer.

Love and light xx

Thursday 15 August 2013

We Live And We Learn

Hello and welcome to new readers from Russia, Serbia and Ireland. 

Alone in the house with very little money for entertainment; we didn't have a TV and it was often a toss up for who got to eat tea that night (my child won - don't call Social Services just yet!). At night when baby was in bed, I would start to read.

The books I read were lent to me by my grandad and were about the religion, or some would say science, that is Spiritualism. Reading the books, for the first time in my life, life itself started to make sense. Don't worry - I'm not religious and have no intention of forcing my opinions on anyone. Ever.

Until then I'd heard the term spirit but not known what was meant - unless it meant Vodka, then I was familiar with it! It turns out it's the very essence of you (your personality). I tend to think of it in cartoon terms - the angel voice is your Inner Wisdom, your Spirit and the devil voice is your Human Mind (aka The Ego). This is another glimpse into the strange workings of my mind!

The books covered all sorts of topics and had me absolutely gripped - I already had enough evidence to believe most of them to be correct.

The sorts of questions they answered were why some people live a glorious life and others suffer; you see; it's all a question of learning, we come to this earth to experience as only through experience can we learn and only through learning can we move to higher spiritual planes once we leave the earth. This is where Ascended Masters 'reside'. Some of what you experience you agree before you come here, this is referred to as your 'life contract' or 'soul plan' or similar, and other bits are our own doing through following the mind, rather than the soul voice, leading us off 'path'.  Does any of that sound feasible to you? Because it does to me. I appreciate for lots the idea of that will be just too much and you'll be reaching for a stiff drink at the very thought of something so ludicrous. It's often easier to blame someone else or think of ourselves as unlucky etc and I do appreciate that what I'm saying is hard to fathom.

I will blog more about what I learnt and the beliefs I have formed, but what I will say now is that I'm not religious as I don't prescribe to set beliefs, just a mish mash of them taken from life lessons, my own evidence and many other belief systems.

Not content with teaching and supporting me through my questions, my grandad has now gifted me a very special and precious notebook. This notebook is a piece of history like no other, for it contains lessons from Ascended Masters that were scribed by my great grandparents while channeling spirits during 1930's Seances (Circles).

In this incredible notebook it confirms my beliefs and the system I have described to you today. One day I will transcribe some of the teachings and stories from the spirit world in a blog post, but for now I'll leave you with this starting taster.

Scribed in 1932 during a seance in Liverpool, using a Planchette (Ouija Board). The meaning of colours of aura's (energy fields):


White: Purity, best white is finest purity.

Gold: Peace.

Flame: Honour, one held in high esteem.

Green: Intellect, knowledge.

Yellow: Brain power, studies highest things.

Mauve: Goodwill, has sympathy, ready to help.

Blue: Truth, trueness, seeker of truth.

Pink: Love.

Red: Passionate, good if set in right direction such as music etc.

Brown: Depression, worrier.

Grey: Despair.

Silver grey: Known despair but fought way out against odds.

Blacks: Means in the depths and can be seen in those suicidal.

Peacock blue: Mixture of green and blue, neither colour being used to full potential.

Cream: Lacking enthusiasm of mind.

Wine: Love of change and sport.

Burnt sienna: Moody. Needs bringing out of themselves.

Purple: Benevolence, suffered and gained sympathy for others.

Who knew there were more colours than Dulux! My sons aura is peacock blue sometimes changing to indigo blue, as he's an Indigo Kid - that is probably yet another blog, for another time (maybe).

If anybody is familiar with auras (I'm just starting to see them again). Then please leave a comment or get in touch and confirm whether or not you find this teaching from the notebook to be accurate.

I've learnt so much and tested what I've learnt over the years, so I can't wait to share more with you as the blog grows. Please keep coming back for more and share the blog with those you think it may be of interest to.

There is just one last thing I'd like to say - how cool is my grandad?! He could only get cooler if he confessed to being the real Batman! I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

This post is dedicated to my grandad for all he has taught and shared with me. And for all of life's teachers (that's all of us, by the way!), thank you for reading.

Monday 12 August 2013

Me My House And I

Hello and welcome to the new readers from Switzerland, it's lovely to have you join us all.

Me My House And I

At the tender age of eighteen I left home for Exeter to try and get away from the abuse and fear that resided in Preston. Not long after this I had my only child, after another disastrous relationship broke up following a scary episode in Exeter, which ended with my life being seriously threatened. Another story for another time...

I was lucky enough to have good family, my amazing uncle who rescued me from Exeter and my long-suffering immediate family who welcomed me back with open arms.  All I will say on this subject is - don't mess with scouse families!!!

Photo taken from FinePix

Once I had my baby it was time to start acting like an adult, something that had completely eluded me up until then. They say nothing prepares you for parenthood, well, I say nothing prepares you for life and when life 'happens' you have to embrace it and strive to always do your best no matter what the situation. 

My babys' father was AWOL (this is a blessing, but one of those you can't see at the time) but we were lucky enough to be offered a house by the local Housing Association and one that was on a private road, in a good area, so we were really grateful for that.

With next to no belongings and an understanding family I was able to go and look at the house straight away. I enlisted help to get it into shape before moving in.

I excitedly headed down the path and although I had been warned that the house was in disarray, I didn't care, as it was going to be our home and it represented a new start for us.

As soon as the front door opened I had the most terrible feeling that someone had been hurt and abused in there. I could barely step foot in the place. Domestic violence was thick in the air. You've heard the expression you could cut the air with a knife? Well, you could, yet no-one was there.

Everyone tried to reassure me that the house would clean up and a lick of paint would see it right. It looked so much better after we spent some time sorting it out - weeks actually, as it was in such a state - you wouldn't get away with putting a young family in a house like that these days. 

I was still ill at ease with the house and my baby wouldn't settle at all either. Perhaps he was picking up on my feelings or perhaps he was picking up on the house feeling.

Safe to say I've had nothing but trouble with this house, which I've never been able to move from. Every time I get close to a move (twice I've been let down at exchange of contracts when trying to move), something happens and there is no way that I can move. In addition, relationships, as you know from a previous post were abusive and broke down, so many issues with the building that can't be explained...The kitchen ceiling has collapsed twice with no reason known; we've had the smell of sewage/rot so bad that returns all the time, Environmental Health and Dyno-Rod have been. Experts have been under the house, cameras, dyes, you name explanation and no cure!

One particular time following another freak repair, insurance was involved and the carpet fitter told me he knew two previous families who lived at the house and that they had been cursed whilst living here. He told me that now they've moved they have wonderful lives, but their lives were awful whilst living in this house. I forgot to thank him for his comforting words!

I do believe in taking responsibility for your own life and everything that happens, using The Laws Of Attraction to manifest good around you, but despite my incredibly positive ways, it's fair to say in this house we've been dogged by bad luck.

Enough was enough and I decided to enlist help, contacting a Space-Clearing expert in the area. For those that don't know, space-clearing is the art of clearing away negative energy and imprints in buildings that can cause bad luck/misfortune. This wonderful lady sensed the same as me without being told anything. She used Divining Rods (for dowsing) to source what is wrong and it turns out there's a male spirit (negative entity) plus lots of negative energy left-over from all the bad things that kept happening.

This wonderful lady is coming to do the space-clearing on Saturday and I will let you all know how it goes. I can't wait for the fresh start and the catalyst to moving on to pastures new.

To arrange for space-clearing of your home or business you can contact Jayne here:

These are the cards that I drew to advise how the space-clearing will go:

  This is the card for the past representing the need to take back power.

 This card is for the current and represents the need to connect with the Divine. It shows that there is a loved one who has passed who is watching over me. I know who the 'loved one' is as I have had experiences of them here in the house, which I will write about another time. I do not want them around.

 This represents the future and tells that the new space will be a great place for creating spiritual community and helping others, where previously there has been despair.

I'll finish by saying that during my lonelier years in this house, my spirit grew immensely. I was guided greatly by my grandad, who I have learnt so much from and continue to learn from to this day. He and his parents where Spiritualists (in fact my grandad used to be a healer) and it was in my darker days alone in this house that I started to learn about The Occult and to find "my own evidence". I will be posting soon about the Circle (Seance) that my Great Grandparents used to host at their home in Liverpool and the book my Grandad has given me featuring their channeled messages from Spirit. 

We need both good and bad in our lives to create balance and teach us lessons, but with so much 'bad' it is time now for me to embrace the 'good' to re-store balance. I still look forward to the lessons each day brings me. 

Written with gratitude to all those who helped get the house sorted one way or another and those who supported me through my darker days alone in the house. 

More like this:

The End of An Era

Tuesday 6 August 2013

What Is Reiki? Who On Earth Knows?

What Is Reiki?

This is a common question and one that, in my opinion, there isn't a right or wrong answer to. 

I'm going to answer the question purely from my point of view and from my heart, based on my own experiences.

I am, of course, a novice at it's practice, having only completed Reiki Level One in May this year, yet I feel an affinity with this wondrous Source, like many others, and as an Enthusiast, I'd like to share my beliefs about it.

There are some who claim to be experts of reiki, which I disagree with - you can be an expert reiki practitioner with many years vast experience but you'll never be an expert on reiki itself. Why? Reiki is not something that can be controlled, you can channel it but you can't second guess what it will do or how it will do it. For this reason a level of faith is required to practice it.   

The Meaning of Reiki

As the Japanese word 'reiki' does not translate directly to English, it can loosely be translated as this Rei (Ray) = Universal , Spiritual Consciousness/Guidance, All Knowing, Soul - I take this to mean wisdom from your Higher Self (or God) e.g. knowing what the root cause of the issue is/knowing the real you... and Ki (Key) = Breath, Life Force, Vital Radiant Energy - I take this to mean the invisible energy that powers our lives and can heal us. Others refer to it as Life Source, Light Source, God, God's Blessing, God's Love, Universal Energy, Source Of All Manifestation, I could go transcends words and I still have no real idea what it is to me yet.

It's invisible to most, though with practice you do get a sense of what it looks like or you may be lucky enough to see its energy. Practitioners (and sometimes clients) can feel it, for some the effects are quite strong, like myself, I shake uncontrollably and I do have to 'ground' myself a lot. I can also feel it 'bubbling' or 'sticking' at certain points in the healing, which can be an indication of a blockage in the persons energy system.

You see, if you think about it we are all made up of atoms and electrons, which vibrate and give off 'energy'. This isn't the science bit, by the way - I am a lover of science but this is not a scientific practice, rather, an ancient sacred practice instead. If you think about it, hands-on healing has existed in stories for many years. I imagine it's what Witch Doctors and Shamans used to do to their tribes. So, if we are all giving off energy of some form, this means we have an energy field around us (aura), which can be affected by traumas and other such life events, leaving us feeling drained or 'out of sorts'.

An example is: Think about when you're happy and you meet someone who is sad - you're energy has mixed with that persons and you now don't feel as happy. You probably feel lethargic and have less energy. Right?

The picture above is the closest I can find to illustrate what it feels and looks like to me when I give/receive energy-healing. As I can't draw very well, it was taken from Google Images (

Reiki is the practice of connecting to Life Source and channeling it via set hand positions through the clients' energy field to help get everything as it should be again.

The beauty of reiki is that it always works for the greater good and can never and will never harm anyone. It works on a deep level and can't always be felt. Sometimes, if the person is not ready for necessary change, it will bury itself and come out when the person is ready - creating a shift in the persons' belief system, personality or even life.

This picture of the sun rays piercing the clouds could be representative of reiki energy being channeled through the many layers that make us up.

A lot of people consider it relaxing, but it depends on the session, I, for one, have never had a relaxing reiki treatment. For me, it knows I am all about spiritual growth and to do this I must face deep routed doubts and fear until they no longer block me - so this is what I get. 

You can't decide what you want it to to do and nor can the practitioner - reiki knows best.

The best way I can describe it to you all is to say that it is like pouring the real you back into you and bringing you back to your true life purpose/dharma. Once you do that you'll be truly happy (not the artificial happy that many feel and is so easily effected) and as a consequence healthy. So this is why it is a holistic healer - it helps with mind, body and soul. It can be, and in my opinion, should be used on babies and children; all age groups and animals too. You can also reiki things and problems. 

In a short space of time I have seen it create changes in people I have practiced on, that no Dr has been able to do. That's not to say that Drs aren't wonderful - they are and should be consulted in conjunction with your reiki practitioner. Even without miraculous results it is a miracle that this 'thing' exists and is open to all.

I've had many strong experiences during reiki and I plan to share these with you all at some point. Including, my reiki attunements (which you must have in order to practice) - these were Out Of This World moments in my amazing life.

For now, I'll leave you with the thought, that if we were all doing what we were put on this earth to do; all truly happy in the knowledge that we are on the right path; wouldn't the world be a better place? I particularly think children are taken away from that these days and distracted by the material world around us. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we gave them back the gift of being at ease with themselves and their reason for being on this planet, instead of following the crowd and the adverts? It's for that reason I believe the world would benefit from reiki in schools. I want to make this happen.

If anyone who knows me personally face to face, would like a free one hour reiki treatment, then please get in touch.

I'd like to thank those who helped me write this with special thanks to Jane Swales, my Reiki Master/Teacher, who introduced me to the wonder of reiki and has taught me lots. And to Ros and Jayne who introduced me to the wonder of Jane Swales! Also, Jayne Morrisey who has taught me about energy-work. They can all be booked for treatments or courses at their websites here:

Curious? Why not try it, be open to change and watch it work it's miracle gift for you.

This is Hilarion, born of Pagan parents, said to have gone to the desert at 15 years of age to live an incredibly modest life and who is said to have performed miracles of healing on many. 

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