Thursday 15 August 2013

We Live And We Learn

Hello and welcome to new readers from Russia, Serbia and Ireland. 

Alone in the house with very little money for entertainment; we didn't have a TV and it was often a toss up for who got to eat tea that night (my child won - don't call Social Services just yet!). At night when baby was in bed, I would start to read.

The books I read were lent to me by my grandad and were about the religion, or some would say science, that is Spiritualism. Reading the books, for the first time in my life, life itself started to make sense. Don't worry - I'm not religious and have no intention of forcing my opinions on anyone. Ever.

Until then I'd heard the term spirit but not known what was meant - unless it meant Vodka, then I was familiar with it! It turns out it's the very essence of you (your personality). I tend to think of it in cartoon terms - the angel voice is your Inner Wisdom, your Spirit and the devil voice is your Human Mind (aka The Ego). This is another glimpse into the strange workings of my mind!

The books covered all sorts of topics and had me absolutely gripped - I already had enough evidence to believe most of them to be correct.

The sorts of questions they answered were why some people live a glorious life and others suffer; you see; it's all a question of learning, we come to this earth to experience as only through experience can we learn and only through learning can we move to higher spiritual planes once we leave the earth. This is where Ascended Masters 'reside'. Some of what you experience you agree before you come here, this is referred to as your 'life contract' or 'soul plan' or similar, and other bits are our own doing through following the mind, rather than the soul voice, leading us off 'path'.  Does any of that sound feasible to you? Because it does to me. I appreciate for lots the idea of that will be just too much and you'll be reaching for a stiff drink at the very thought of something so ludicrous. It's often easier to blame someone else or think of ourselves as unlucky etc and I do appreciate that what I'm saying is hard to fathom.

I will blog more about what I learnt and the beliefs I have formed, but what I will say now is that I'm not religious as I don't prescribe to set beliefs, just a mish mash of them taken from life lessons, my own evidence and many other belief systems.

Not content with teaching and supporting me through my questions, my grandad has now gifted me a very special and precious notebook. This notebook is a piece of history like no other, for it contains lessons from Ascended Masters that were scribed by my great grandparents while channeling spirits during 1930's Seances (Circles).

In this incredible notebook it confirms my beliefs and the system I have described to you today. One day I will transcribe some of the teachings and stories from the spirit world in a blog post, but for now I'll leave you with this starting taster.

Scribed in 1932 during a seance in Liverpool, using a Planchette (Ouija Board). The meaning of colours of aura's (energy fields):


White: Purity, best white is finest purity.

Gold: Peace.

Flame: Honour, one held in high esteem.

Green: Intellect, knowledge.

Yellow: Brain power, studies highest things.

Mauve: Goodwill, has sympathy, ready to help.

Blue: Truth, trueness, seeker of truth.

Pink: Love.

Red: Passionate, good if set in right direction such as music etc.

Brown: Depression, worrier.

Grey: Despair.

Silver grey: Known despair but fought way out against odds.

Blacks: Means in the depths and can be seen in those suicidal.

Peacock blue: Mixture of green and blue, neither colour being used to full potential.

Cream: Lacking enthusiasm of mind.

Wine: Love of change and sport.

Burnt sienna: Moody. Needs bringing out of themselves.

Purple: Benevolence, suffered and gained sympathy for others.

Who knew there were more colours than Dulux! My sons aura is peacock blue sometimes changing to indigo blue, as he's an Indigo Kid - that is probably yet another blog, for another time (maybe).

If anybody is familiar with auras (I'm just starting to see them again). Then please leave a comment or get in touch and confirm whether or not you find this teaching from the notebook to be accurate.

I've learnt so much and tested what I've learnt over the years, so I can't wait to share more with you as the blog grows. Please keep coming back for more and share the blog with those you think it may be of interest to.

There is just one last thing I'd like to say - how cool is my grandad?! He could only get cooler if he confessed to being the real Batman! I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

This post is dedicated to my grandad for all he has taught and shared with me. And for all of life's teachers (that's all of us, by the way!), thank you for reading.


  1. I really really luv ur enriches moi each much of vibrant energy....

    1. hi Gypssysoul, Thanks for your comment. It's very much appreciated. You too have such beautiful energy. Love and light to you. xxx
