Wednesday 21 August 2013

Part One: My First Ever Angel Miracle

It had been a tough few weeks, well, years really... where I'd attracted nothing but trouble and strife to my life. If you've ever experienced times like this you'll know it can easily become a 'spiral', a 'vicious circle' and that the Laws Of Attraction send the misery it causes you straight back at you down the energy lines of life, making it harder and harder to climb out of that hole.

This particular week I'd had another freak repair at home along with a battle to get it fixed, appointments with my son, my son was suffering at school and I in turn was suffering at school!. Autumn had arrived slightly early harshly signifying the beginning of the end, for us this meant the clinic and school appointments were harder to get to as I didn't drive back then, plus I had lost of time to make up at work but a lack of childcare options available.

One night things had reached a head and my child had been sad about school at bedtime, amplifying my own feelings of despair and hurt. These feelings peaked as I sat on the edge of my bed, finally alone and able to let the hurt out. I sobbed my heart out and wished I had someone special to hold me and help take the pain away. Even someone to go to just one of the appointments so I could make some time up at work, or to mind my son so he wasn't constantly juggled between childcarers. This felt like an impossibility, I closed my eyes and the warm flow of tears began again. I recognised it was fear holding me back (it always is with everyone and everything).  

When  I calmed down and opened my eyes, something caught my eye. It was an angel prayer book, sticking out from under the bed. I kept it there as it had been given to me by a lovely friend years before and I had no use for it. I didn't pray, I wasn't religious and I didn't really believe in angels.    

However, as it had caught my eye I was drawn to it, tentatively, I picked the book up, sighed at myself for what I was doing and opened the book up.

It opened on a page for Archangel Chamuel and the Angels of Love. I scanned the page and saw that they can help with relationships. Feeling pretty daft I searched for the prayer and sobbed as I begged them to help me and my son with our lives. I asked for help to remove my fear and to find me someone, a life partner that I would marry. I explained I didn't want any more hurt and I no longer wanted to shut love out.

Nothing happened. For weeks I kept my eye out for this special delivery from the angels. No knight in shining armour called round randomly. Fancy that. What a let down. I felt stupid for asking for their help. Then one night whilst sat quietly it came to me from nowhere and for no reason - as I'd all but given up hope... the man I'd meet would be called Tony and from Liverpool. Ugh. I didn't even like the name Tony and I no longer lived in Liverpool. 

In part two I will share with you the day I met 'Tony' and how my life changed for the better. Forever. 

To find out what happened next go to Part Two here

No matter what your situation, how bad things are, there is always a light shining in you, waiting to help you and that light is angelic light. They're on 24 hour call - so use them!

Help is always on the horizon

Below is a basic starter chart for how to ask for angelic assistance, whether you believe in them or not. Better still just ask them simply and in your own way and you will be amazed at what happens. If you know someone who could do with some know who to call...The A Team! Please share this blog post with them to help them.

How to pray to angels…

Which Angel to pray to:
Ask them for…
Light / colour for visualisation
Fiat/Decree ( repeat in multiples of 3)
And the angels of protection
Freedom from fear and self- doubt, strengthening of faith, perfecting your soul, protection from physical and spiritual dangers, exorcism of demons
Archangel Michael, help me, help me, help me!
Jophiel and the angels of illumination
Wisdom, illumination, understanding, inspiration, knowledge, clear seeing, help passing tests, absorbing information, freedom from addictions
Angels bright from starry height, charge my being and mind with light
Chamuel and the angels of love
Love, compassion, mercy, creativity, forgiveness, dissolution of feelings of selfishness/self-dislike/self-condemnation/low self-esteem, finding lost items
In the name of god, I am that I am, in the name of Archangel Chamuel: be gone forces of anti-love
Gabriel and the angels of guidance
Revelation of your life plan and purpose, dissolution of discouragement, joy, happiness and fulfilment, help in establishing discipline and order in your life, organisation of your environment, home purchases, new directions, new careers

Raphael and the angels of healing
Wholeness, vision, spiritual sight, inspiration of truth, healing of body, mind and soul, inspiration for the study of music, physical needs such as food and shelter
I am the resurrection and the life of my perfect health now made manifest
Uriel and the angels of peace
Inner peace, tranquillity, untangling of knots of anger and fear in your psyche, hope, peaceful resolution of personal, social and relationship problems, nurturing creativity
Purple flecked with Ruby
Archangel Uriel, make me an instrument of god’s peace
Zadkiel and the angels of joy
Soul freedom, happiness, joy, forgiveness, justice, mercy, dissolution of painful memories and negative traits, tolerance, diplomacy
I am the living flame of cosmic freedom

 A good starter prayer:
NOTE: ALWAYS start with “In the name of the I am that I am…”
In the name of the I am that I am I pray to the seven Archangels and their legions of light and I pray to beloved Archangel ….and the angels of….and I ask that you……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
I thank you and I ask that it be done this hour according to the will of god.

Top tips:
·       You must be very specific e.g. asking Zadkiel to make you happy will not work as it is not specific enough – He could make you happy for a millisecond in 50 year’s time…..instead try asking to be a naturally happy person all the time starting today and never ending from then on.  Give reasons why and examples; define what happy means to you.

·       Expect to be surprised. Angels deliver what you want in weird and wonderful ways; so you could be run over, have a near death experience that makes you realise life is worth living and therefore…be happy! Another reason to carefully plan what you ask for and be specific!

·       Once you’ve asked, don’t ask again as this is confusing and will bring mixed, if any, results. Believe what you’ve asked for will come and wait for it to happen – you will see results.

·        Angels will not do anything that would be bad for your soul, so if you are not meant to be a millionaire, there is no point asking, as you won’t get it. Likewise, you would hopefully never ask for anything bad to happen to anyone as that would be disrespectful to angels and would not be carried out as it would be against gods’ will.

·       Use visualisation to imagine what receiving your prayer would look and feel like. Picture a light the same colour (as the angels you’ve prayed to) surrounding your image and use when you pray.

·       Don’t expect to not have to do any of the work! You may receive an idea to help solve something, you might meet someone who can offer help, you might have to change how you go about something…it will not necessarily be handed over to you without you having to have some faith and follow your gut instincts or do some of the work. Be grateful no matter how your prayer is answered – you asked for it and if you think about it, if you gave a gift and someone turned their nose up, you wouldn’t give to them again, would you?

·       To have your prayers heard you should work on your karma, like attracts like, so don’t expect angels to want to be near you if you only have bad thoughts or do bad things. The better your karma from your positive thoughts and actions, the louder you sound to angels.

·       To help draw the right angels to you use the fiat/decree and say it in multiples of three.

If you don’t believe…then start with something small and realistic and watch it happen, then build up to bigger things.

It helps to be calm, quiet and focussed when praying but is not absolutely necessary.

The more you pray the better you will get at it and the more you will ‘tune-in’ and receive inspiration to fulfil your prayer.

Love and light xx

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