Tuesday 6 August 2013

What Is Reiki? Who On Earth Knows?

What Is Reiki?

This is a common question and one that, in my opinion, there isn't a right or wrong answer to. 

I'm going to answer the question purely from my point of view and from my heart, based on my own experiences.

I am, of course, a novice at it's practice, having only completed Reiki Level One in May this year, yet I feel an affinity with this wondrous Source, like many others, and as an Enthusiast, I'd like to share my beliefs about it.

There are some who claim to be experts of reiki, which I disagree with - you can be an expert reiki practitioner with many years vast experience but you'll never be an expert on reiki itself. Why? Reiki is not something that can be controlled, you can channel it but you can't second guess what it will do or how it will do it. For this reason a level of faith is required to practice it.   

The Meaning of Reiki

As the Japanese word 'reiki' does not translate directly to English, it can loosely be translated as this Rei (Ray) = Universal , Spiritual Consciousness/Guidance, All Knowing, Soul - I take this to mean wisdom from your Higher Self (or God) e.g. knowing what the root cause of the issue is/knowing the real you... and Ki (Key) = Breath, Life Force, Vital Radiant Energy - I take this to mean the invisible energy that powers our lives and can heal us. Others refer to it as Life Source, Light Source, God, God's Blessing, God's Love, Universal Energy, Source Of All Manifestation, I could go on...it transcends words and I still have no real idea what it is to me yet.

It's invisible to most, though with practice you do get a sense of what it looks like or you may be lucky enough to see its energy. Practitioners (and sometimes clients) can feel it, for some the effects are quite strong, like myself, I shake uncontrollably and I do have to 'ground' myself a lot. I can also feel it 'bubbling' or 'sticking' at certain points in the healing, which can be an indication of a blockage in the persons energy system.

You see, if you think about it we are all made up of atoms and electrons, which vibrate and give off 'energy'. This isn't the science bit, by the way - I am a lover of science but this is not a scientific practice, rather, an ancient sacred practice instead. If you think about it, hands-on healing has existed in stories for many years. I imagine it's what Witch Doctors and Shamans used to do to their tribes. So, if we are all giving off energy of some form, this means we have an energy field around us (aura), which can be affected by traumas and other such life events, leaving us feeling drained or 'out of sorts'.

An example is: Think about when you're happy and you meet someone who is sad - you're energy has mixed with that persons and you now don't feel as happy. You probably feel lethargic and have less energy. Right?

The picture above is the closest I can find to illustrate what it feels and looks like to me when I give/receive energy-healing. As I can't draw very well, it was taken from Google Images (energy-magic.com).

Reiki is the practice of connecting to Life Source and channeling it via set hand positions through the clients' energy field to help get everything as it should be again.

The beauty of reiki is that it always works for the greater good and can never and will never harm anyone. It works on a deep level and can't always be felt. Sometimes, if the person is not ready for necessary change, it will bury itself and come out when the person is ready - creating a shift in the persons' belief system, personality or even life.

This picture of the sun rays piercing the clouds could be representative of reiki energy being channeled through the many layers that make us up.

A lot of people consider it relaxing, but it depends on the session, I, for one, have never had a relaxing reiki treatment. For me, it knows I am all about spiritual growth and to do this I must face deep routed doubts and fear until they no longer block me - so this is what I get. 

You can't decide what you want it to to do and nor can the practitioner - reiki knows best.

The best way I can describe it to you all is to say that it is like pouring the real you back into you and bringing you back to your true life purpose/dharma. Once you do that you'll be truly happy (not the artificial happy that many feel and is so easily effected) and as a consequence healthy. So this is why it is a holistic healer - it helps with mind, body and soul. It can be, and in my opinion, should be used on babies and children; all age groups and animals too. You can also reiki things and problems. 

In a short space of time I have seen it create changes in people I have practiced on, that no Dr has been able to do. That's not to say that Drs aren't wonderful - they are and should be consulted in conjunction with your reiki practitioner. Even without miraculous results it is a miracle that this 'thing' exists and is open to all.

I've had many strong experiences during reiki and I plan to share these with you all at some point. Including, my reiki attunements (which you must have in order to practice) - these were Out Of This World moments in my amazing life.

For now, I'll leave you with the thought, that if we were all doing what we were put on this earth to do; all truly happy in the knowledge that we are on the right path; wouldn't the world be a better place? I particularly think children are taken away from that these days and distracted by the material world around us. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we gave them back the gift of being at ease with themselves and their reason for being on this planet, instead of following the crowd and the adverts? It's for that reason I believe the world would benefit from reiki in schools. I want to make this happen.

If anyone who knows me personally face to face, would like a free one hour reiki treatment, then please get in touch.

I'd like to thank those who helped me write this with special thanks to Jane Swales, my Reiki Master/Teacher, who introduced me to the wonder of reiki and has taught me lots. And to Ros and Jayne who introduced me to the wonder of Jane Swales! Also, Jayne Morrisey who has taught me about energy-work. They can all be booked for treatments or courses at their websites here: 



Curious? Why not try it, be open to change and watch it work it's miracle gift for you.

This is Hilarion, born of Pagan parents, said to have gone to the desert at 15 years of age to live an incredibly modest life and who is said to have performed miracles of healing on many. 

More like this:

What it Means to Heal

The Energetics of Illness

Channelled Healing Songs and Poems

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