Friday 23 August 2013

Part Two: My First Ever Angel Miracle

It was Christmas 2004, Boxing Day, my family were spending some time with my son and I was spending some time with me, myself and I.

PJ's, a fire, Christmas tree lights and chocolate were the order of the day - oh and a can of Stella - I'm a classy chick! As it got dark and the tree lights glistened it was time to drag myself up and start getting ready for the night ahead. Me and my good friend were heading out to a club in Liverpool. You're all probably way ahead of me here, but I was oblivious and had totally forgotten about my fleeting prayer and my moment of clarity from months previous.

I had a bit of a cold and wasn't feeling great and even considered not going, so I did my best to spruce myself up and then sat down for another medicinal drink by the fire. My friend turned up with our other lovely friend (designated driver) for the long night ahead.

As we got in to Liverpool we stopped to pick someone up, his name was Anthony. I know I should have been paying attention but I was cold, wasted and more interested in what DJ's were playing that night than what was going on around me. 

When we got to the club I struggled over the ice in my five inch heels and frankly, the fact I didn't break my neck is an angel miracle story all of its own! Inside the club we split up as only me and Anthony had coats for the cloakroom. Well, we queued and we queued and we queued...two hours in total was wasted in that queue. Eventually we got our coats in and headed off for drinks and dancing. What I didn't realise was this was an excellent ice-breaker. You try standing in a queue with a stranger and see what conversation comes. Then compare it to how much you'd speak to a stranger on a dance-floor - clever angels!

We all had an amazing night - we always do! Shortly before the club was due to shut at stupid o'clock in the morning, we went to get our coats and you guessed it - there was a massive queue. So, there we were forced to talk to each other again. Don't get me wrong, we got on OK, but there was no lightning bolt like you'd expect - that came later and keeps coming to this very day!

Once at the front of the queue we were hit with the news that they'd lost both of our coats - no-one elses, just ours.  Luckily, Anthony lived in Liverpool City Centre and offered to take charge of sorting it out and getting my coat back to me. We swapped numbers for this purpose.

After a major after party at our friends flat it was time for messy Anthony to head off. We said goodbye in person. I got a generic thank you for a good night text - exactly the same text that our other friends got. I replied to this, then Anthony replied and this is when the text tennis started and chemistry began.

It was a whole three or four months later before Anthony managed to break down my protective wall that I'd built up over many years. The very moment the wall went down and I let him in was the very moment the lightning bolt struck. I glowed from the fact I had found someone so perfect for me and matching every quality I had ever wanted. The slow realisation dawned on me that he had everything I had asked Archangel Chamuel to bring me, that we were incredibly suited, more than I'd come close to experiencing before... oh, and his name was Anthony and he lived in Liverpool, a place where your name always gets shortened and they called him 'Tony'. This was what I had asked for and my special delivery had arrived.

We were due to get married this year on 30th August. Something happened and that wedding will no longer take place. It really doesn't matter. When an angel brings you together, your souls are entwined, your energies mix and there is no need for the pomp and ceremony to seal this. It just is. Not that there's anything wrong with the pomp or ceremony if this is what you choose for you - I like a good wedding.

The many beautiful twists and turns of our relationship continue strong to this day.

I'm so glad I prayed, I'm so glad I let that wall down, I'm so glad I realised that fear was holding me back and that I didn't let it win. 

When things go 'wrong', like queueing for hours, losing things, there is always a reason. Be patient and have faith.

Let your wall down, give love unconditionally and love will come reflected back into your life stronger than ever.

This post is dedicated to Archangel Chamuel for bringing me and Anthony together, for keeping us together through those twists and turns and for sending a beacon of love and light through our world and the world around us. After all, love makes the world go around.

Thanks for reading and sharing my very own angel miracle love story. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.

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