Wednesday 11 December 2013

Channelled Healing Songs And Poems During Reiki

It is true that reiki healing gives you what you need to heal your life on every level. Reiki is intelligent and it knows best what is helpful for the greater good and it goes ahead and gives this to you. Just another reason to have complete detachment from the outcome of the healing.

Sometimes this can be quite strange and I often now find myself being intuitively directed by it to do some funny things whilst healing. My neighbours, if they don't already, must think I'm crazy, as reiki gets me to do yogaesque poses, make strange sounds and place my hands in different positions to the traditional ones taught. I pull and push un-useful energy from my aura and help reiki on it's way through my system, usually looking like a scene from the exorcist as I do it. A normal day in this mad house.

More recently it has been focussed on healing my throat chakra, which is often blocked/off-balance. To do this it has decided that I must sing to make vibrations with my throat and this is the cruelest thing it could choose for me, as I really, really, am not a pretty singer!

During these healing sessions it has started to connect me more strongly to angelic energy and I've now been given two healing songs/poems channelled from Archangel Raphael. I plan to keep a log of these and have them published into a book, but for now I want to share them with all of you, as you'd imagine they are beautifully written by our angel friends.

The songs are probably personal to my own healing, but I know they will resonate with many others. I hope they provide healing comfort for you too.

With thanks to Archangel Raphael angel for the healing words and sounds provided.

For more, quotes, photos, stories and posts go to

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