Thursday 5 December 2013

Throwback Thursday

#ThrowbackThursday is a popular theme on social network sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Normally you tag an old photo of yourself and we all laugh at how silly you look. However, I thought I'd use it to have a think about how things used to be for me not that long ago.

This will be a short and sweet post about last year and my life then, as it was, working in an office. 

The office where I used to work

The way we used to be

Looking back got me thinking about the fantastic colleagues I used to work with and the camaraderie in the office. I wasn't being nostalgic. In fact I'm far happier and healthier now than I ever was back then: instead I was thinking about how well we all worked together toward a goal and what a shame it is that people will often do this in work, but not so often for the greater good of society. 

Back in the good 'ol days we had all worked together for years and years. We were once described as a "one-floor family", which is terribly cheesy but was true. The one-floor family won awards and attracted visitors from all over who wanted in on our 'secret' to success. We'd go through the rigmarole of showing them around and wowing them with our brilliant staff and ideas, but what we evaded to tell them was the real secret - that secret was unity. Unity. That simple. It's amazing what you can do when you drop personal agendas, refuse to pass judgement on another and simply work for the best outcome. 

We all had our strengths and we used these for the greater good of the office.

It might just have been because we were eternally under threat of redundancy or maybe we were the perfect mix of personalities, who knows and who cares? It worked. 

It ended on a high

Eventually the threat of redundancy became a reality and the one-floor family pulled together one last time to find everyone a new job. Normally, you'd expect competition here but it wasn't like that at all. People going for interviews for the same job freely offered tips, advice and support to what should have been their competitor. And you know what? It all worked out beautifully.

It occurs to me that if we can all learn to be more like this in our every day lives, the world would be a better place. 

That's just a thought for my throwbackthursday. 

In the new year I'll be looking for a temporary job and I hope to work with people as special as those I once worked with. 

If you're reading this and you used to work with me, I hate you really. :)

Me looking suitably ridiculous for a Throwback Thursday photo. This was our office fundraising day for Children in Need in 2008. I'm a ladybug, in case you can't tell. 

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