Thursday 2 January 2014

Oracle Card Reading For The Month Ahead

I got some new cards for Christmas so here is a card reading for you all using some of them. This has been done for the month ahead. Whenever you are drawn to this page, that is when the card reading applies, as it is the energy of the cards that draws you in.

Week 1-2

20 (2 + 0 = 2) The number 2 represents co-operation and balanced judgement through awareness. Interesting how the week number has shown up in the card number too - this strengthens its meaning.


A review of where you are at, or the past year has left you feeling lack rather than gratitude. You have been focussing on what you want rather than what you already have, even making comparisons to others you know.

This card is asking you to take a look closer to home at all you have. The woman is holding a platter of silver and pearl, living in a castle but looks outward and sees gold - she can not see her own riches. She is envious of others and is always seeking more, rather than being content with what she already has.

Now is the time to shift focus to what you do have and what you have achieved. Once you shift focus to gratitude you will open the door for more reasons to be grateful and the positive golden energy will flow freely through your life. 

Let go of lack and your life will never be lacking.

Week 2-3

46 (4 + 6 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1) The number 1 represents new beginnings and a spiritual journey. The new beginning is accelerated by the presence of 0 (God/Life Force energy).

The Thinking Man

Ooh! This is an interesting card for you all...

This card is telling you that a teacher or guru is going to enter or become apparent in your life. The card is one of male energy so it is likely to be a man, or maybe a ladette! They carry lessons of great benefit and you must look out for this teacher.

It is a sign that you should consider learning something new, taking up a new course/hobby, change in direction or even just commit to personal spiritual growth.

For those who are single and that like men, this can represent that a man is about to enter your life. This man will be a deep thinker and may have a lesson for you: he may help you love again or even just to try new things. He will be a teacher or a giver of life lessons.

For everyone else, be open to the wisdom of people around you, particularly new people you meet, as they will have a lot to teach you.

The clue for this person is that they could be a lover of nature or being outdoors or perhaps a collector of crystals or some other earth resource. Keep your eyes peeled!

Week 3-4  

34 (3 + 4 = 7) The number 7 represents spiritual awakening / enlightenment. Interesting how the week number has shown up in the card number again too - this strengthens its meaning.

Door to Personal Healing and Happiness

I'm so happy I pulled this card for you all!

This is a sign that positive change is about to happen. This is especially relating to letting go of addictions, bad habits and anything that holds you back, this includes if you have a negative outlook.

Some personal growth and healing is about to take place. This will start with letting go of the sense of lack, a teacher will become known to you to help with that and the end result is you stepping out into a new beautiful life as depicted on the card.

This change is going to set you free.

The following card was pulled to support the reading. 

Fly Away

Take flight and fill life with colours

This is telling you to embrace the changes, the lessons and the new start so you can shine brighter than ever.

Over Christmas I heard a lot about people missing loved ones. It's understandable and it is of course the time of year when we perhaps miss people the most. I therefore did a card reading for all those who are missing a loved one. I asked for a collective message from all the loved ones, rather than a personal reading. This is their collective message to us all:

I was met by so many loving people, There is no such thing as death

I'm not going to add too much of my own take on this as the cards say it all for me. If you are missing someone please know that they have moved on to a peaceful place where they will transform and start a new life. If they belong to your Soul Pod, which, if they have been significant in this life, they more than likely do, you will no doubt meet again when their next role meets yours.

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