Monday 6 January 2014

Moving House Is One Of The Most Stressful Life Events?

I'm one of those people that doesn't need to do a review of the previous year on 1st January. Mainly because my overly-analytical mind has reviewed the year to death by the time we reach January. When January comes, the previous year needs a break from being picked to pieces by my mind. 

Last year (2013) was meant to be a "big" year for me. Recovering from a nervous breakdown, I was meant to get married, go on a once-in-a-lifetime honeymoon, buy a house and change career following redundancy. All bar one of those events happened and even that wasn't as planned. The lesson? Don't bother planning? Maybe I bit off more than I could chew and it became impossible to put positive energy into it all and therefore it all fell apart, bar the one thing that was happening right there and then (career change). 

Whatever the lesson, it is safe to say it has left me with some scarring. As have past events. You see, this year the wheels are in motion to move house. We can't buy now as a failed wedding and a separation cost a surprisingly large amount of money, amongst other things. A new rental is on the cards. I should be excited. Should be.

What I've come to realise is that every time I've moved home in the past something unwelcome has happened to me. Far from being a happy exciting time, it's one of nervous apprehension. This can only bring negative results so I must find a way to be positive about it. I've decided to "feel the fear and do it anyway."

My first ever house move in Liverpool took me away from my sacred space and spirit friends (click here for more on that - theres-no-place-like-home) . This wasn't so bad except that the house we moved to had a bad feeling about it and seeing the old lady at the back of the house as a spirit when she passed away, had me scared for months! 

Then we moved away from Liverpool, which broke my heart and caused me further problems fitting in, resulting in me being abused (click here for more on that silence-speaks-thousand-words) . 

After that, I all but ran away to Exeter and that led to a story that would honestly make a good blockbuster movie. I'm not going to give details of it, other than to say it was very scary (even if you're not a scaredy cat like me). I returned from Exeter pregnant, jobless and eventually single too and that was the good part! 

The next move took me to my present day house, which is haunted. I don't have much luck do I?! (click here for more on that me-my-house-and-i) . To be fair, we've had some brilliant times here too, but also an awful lot of things have gone 'wrong'.

You can see why I might be frightened of a move now, can't you? 

We can choose in life whether history repeats itself, every day we have the power to change our story, to rewrite history and not to let what's happened to us, define us. 

I'm moving out, I'm moving on... and it will rewrite history. It will change the way I feel about moving house and it will change my life for the better. They say that moving house is one of the most stressful life events alongside grief, getting married, divorce, redundancy and a new baby. Well, I've 'sort of' done all those and survived, so this should be a stroll in the park. Bring. It. On.

Whatever your plans or events for 2014, I wish you all the very best for the greatest good. Here's to our adventures!

More like this:

There's No Place Like Home

Me, My House and I

The End of An Era


  1. Your story really touched me!You have an amazing writing style! I'm happy I found your blog and i think to visit it often! Keep posting!

    1. Hi Jenny,

      Thanks for reading and commenting on my post. I look forward to your visits. If you've been through similar, which it sounds like you will enjoy my posts. Very nice to connect with you and thank you for the compliment on my writing style. Wishing you the best of everything, Lou xxx
