Time is a human Ego structure
Add to this that time is a very human Ego constraint, or structure, if you prefer. In the Spirit World there's no such thing as time. Can you imagine a soul with a watch?
This explains why spirits show up any time they like and often completely inconvenient times like the dead of the night, whilst you're in the bath, driving....they also can be heard/felt easier when this dimension goes quiet, but that's another topic for another time.
Why do spirits turn up at special occasions?
That's because your thoughts / intentions (energy) have drawn them there, not because they knew what date or time it was. It is comforting to think they wanted to see us get married, or whatever else we're doing at that time, though.
What is a past life?
At any one 'time' we are experiencing simultaneous multiple realities. Some say this is what causes deja vu, but I think it's actually one side of the brain processing faster than the other side, myself.
I wonder if we can put this fear aside and trust our intuition, maybe even tap into the Collective Consciousness for answers, what would our lives look like then?
All around my house are pictures of Geisha, books, screensavers, DVDs...as a child on visiting the World Garden Festival in Liverpool, I would run fastest to the oriental garden. I would be drawn to the oriental tea in the gift shop like other kids were drawn to Lego.
During a meditation class we were guided to access a past life and I was told that I was a Japanese prostitute and longed to be a Geisha, but I wasn't deemed good enough to join the Geisha elite. Contrary to popular belief Geisha are not prostitutes, girls who are not pretty or artistic enough to make it as a Geisha become prostitutes instead. Bingo! That's where my Geisha obsession comes from.
It even goes some way to explaining my karma see here for Blog post on karma and my inferiority complex see here for Blog post re Lower Self/Inferiority Complex
Celebrate life as it happens
Whenever possible celebrate all you have here and now, as this is all you have and who knows what will change in the next moment?
If you can train your thoughts (energy) to perceive everything to be as it should be, you'll find an acceptance that brings about peace like nothing else. I'm still working on it, but I hope to get there one day and I hope you do too.
I'd love to hear your past life stories, so please leave a comment to share yours. I'm always open to discussion and learning from others and welcome comments on the blog.
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If you can train your thoughts (energy) to perceive everything to be as it should be, you'll find an acceptance that brings about peace like nothing else. I'm still working on it, but I hope to get there one day and I hope you do too.
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