Friday 29 November 2013

Black Friday Free Oracle Card Reading

This free card reading was done with the intention that it will be right for you if you're drawn to read it, regardless of when you read it. 

The intention was set that the reading will be valid for you for one month from when you read it.
Current Issue

Card Drawn = Communication

You feel like you're not being heard, you're being misunderstood or wrongly judged by another. Your efforts are not being recognised. You may be suffering from a sore throat or ear problems at the moment - this is a physical manifestation of this problem.

Someone you once turned to when in need either is no longer around or isn't behaving as you'd normally expect. You feel a loss of control or connection with this person.

The angels want to remind you that although you feel you're not getting your point across or being appreciated, it is partially your own doing. You are not expressing yourself fully and something is holding you back from doing so. Once you recognise this fear and are honest with yourself, the honesty and openness needed with another, will flow and you will be heard.

Where someone is no longer in your life, rest assured the angels are listening and someone new is on their way to you very soon. You must be fully open and able to express yourself honestly in order to receive this person into your life. It may be a new friend, colleague, teacher, guardian or lover. This will all happen in perfect timing and exactly as it should, so please be patient and do not get distracted.

You may also feel as if someone has got under your skin more than usual. Ask for angel assistance in removing this negative connection. Archangel Zadkiel can use his Cosmic Flame to transmute the energy connecting you, or Archangel Michael can cut the cords that bind you to this unhelpful state.

Angelic Guidance for the Issue

Card Drawn = Playfulness

You feel overburdened with responsibilities, decisions and choices. You need to redress the balance and get some more fun in your life.

The angels remind you that you don't have to take every situation seriously and every word spoken to heart. The more fun you have, the more fun you will attract.

Try shining laughter onto the situation and you will find an amicable way to feel valued again.

Share the workload where possible, so you can bring more play into your life.

When you get time to let off steam make the most of it and make it worthwhile. Do this in your own unique way and don't allow others to hijack it or make you feel pressured to do things their way. How you have fun is your choice and if you don't honour this, you'll end up feeling worse. You must be genuinely true to yourself with this and don't follow the crowd. The angels are warning you that you could inadvertently make the situation worse if you try to fit in and don't follow what is truly in your heart.

May this reading bring you guidance and support for the next month, with love from your angels and Lou. xx

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