Friday 8 November 2013

Spiritual Revolution Needed Or Just Get Closer To God Again?

There's a storm brewing and I don't mean like the ones on the UK weather forecast. Apologies to all those affected by natures rage at the moment, this isn't meant as a joke, rather a way of getting people's attention.

You see I've been thinking lately a lot about how commercial the world is and how much we as a race are ruled by fear. Fear is ever present and the capitalists like it that way, as I said before in a previous blog post Fear The Enemy Within , fear makes us behave how governments and corporate capitalists want us to. 

We're coming into Christmas, a time when the commercial element is mixed so strongly with fear that the true meaning and celebration of Yule has been forgotten, forever immersed in a greed fest instead. Fear that if we don't buy our children the latest toy and everything on their list; they'll think they've been naughty, or we don't love them, or their classmates will laugh, maybe they'll be jealous or feel inferior to their friends? See what we've become?

It goes on...fear that if we don't organise a huge meal with all the trimmings, someone will criticise us and we'll be hurt or this Christmas won't be as good as the last. Fear, fear, fear! I'm so sick of fear, it's time we collectively tell it to do one. To put it more politely, it's time we got back to our natural state of love and it's time we pulled together as one. 

After all, we are all one, we come from the same Source, we share a collective consciousness between us. If people in a different part of the world are suffering, we suffer too, just because we can't see them it doesn't mean that it doesn't touch us in some way. 

If we stopped all the greed and pulled together as one huge community it would solve an awful lot of problems in the world, right there and then. Fear will stop us from doing this. Who goes first? Who holds out the hand and who trusts that the hand that feeds will not be bitten?

Somewhere down the line, through the need for civilisation and progression, we have wiped out our very essence and have replaced it with a monster all of our own. How do we get back to basics; to our roots, to our unity and to our sense of communal responsibility? I don't claim to have the answers, but I do know that there is a shift in consciousness happening right now. If we don't take action to better the world collectively, it will be out of our hands and who knows what will happen next. World War Three anyone? If we continue to live in these poisoned ways we can only expect to receive poison back. 

Why don't we try to have a more peaceful Christmas? A lot of people I've spoken to lately want this. If we all pledged to help each other that day, to give our time to people in other parts of the world who are suffering, the mass collective could spark a spiritual revolution to heal the world.

I'm going to try my best this year to ignore the adverts, the shop windows and the fear. I'm going to make this how true Yule should be, by by-passing what's expected of me and appreciating how lucky I already am to have the family, friends and life that I have here in the West. What I refuse to do is forget about the people born elsewhere or less fortunate. 

I still believe it will take more to get back Home to our Spirit, where we all can experience heaven on earth, if we just learn to listen to our Inner Wisdom more and our TV less.

This blog (rant!) was sparked by this video of Russell Brand, who I confess that in the past I haven't liked very much and haven't given a chance. That was my Ego judging him and I'm sorry for that. Now I've given him a chance, he is well worth listening to. I agree 100% with what he says in this short video. See what you think.

Whatever you choose to do this year and however you choose to spend it, I hope the ridiculous build-up to Christmas and the actual day itself are everything you hope for and more. For those that can't afford to bow down to the peer pressure of spending, may you realise it is a blessing in disguise that gives you time to contemplate what it really means to you. Consider those that don't know if the water they're about to drink is going to kill them - now that's poor. 

Love and blessings to all.

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