Thursday 31 October 2013

Inspirational, Positive Spiritual Quotes And Mantras

Here are some of my own inspirational, spiritual quotes and mantras. Feel free to use and share them, but please make sure that this blog address remains on them. Thank you.

Be Your Own Best Friend And Magic Will Happen.

We are often hardest on ourselves and our own worst critic. Can you remember a time when you gave yourself as good advice as you'd give a friend? We all need to learn to listen to our own inner wisdom, to trust our intuition and to not be afraid to tell ourselves some harsh truths once in a while. Balance this with compassion for yourself and you will live in love and truth.

Let Go Of The Past To Make Room For The Future.

It's hard to let go of things in our life we hold (or even once held) dear. If we can master the art of letting go, we make room for the universe to bless us with more abundance and gifts. Give to receive and let go to let in.

When A Light Is Switched On, Darkness Has Nowhere To Go And It Dies.

Fight fear with love and light, then watch as the fear and the darkness fades. 

Love Is All Around You. All You Have To Do Is Open Your Heart And Your Eyes Will See It.

The more we give love, the more we are open to receive and recognise it. The more we put up barriers to protect ourselves, the more we lock love out and the less we can receive. 

Your Thoughts, Words And Actions Create Your Future. Be Positive For A Brighter Future.

Our whole Universe is energy, we are energy too. Our thoughts, words and actions transmit energy and we get back what we put out there. It's wise to watch our words, learn to think positive and only behave in ways that emanate what we would want back in our lives. The key to this is gratitude: if you can feel grateful for all you have your in life, you will emit positive energy and it will come right back to you. Your life is a mirror of what's inside you.

May your weekend be blessed with love, laughter and positivity. 

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