Monday 21 October 2013

My Vibrational Sound Mandala

Just a post today to share with you all the course I went on yesterday to create my very own mandala.

The course was hosted by the lovely ladies over at Penwortham Complementary Health Centre - see link here for other events

The rather radiant Jayne hosted the full-day workshop and it was packed full of fun and laughter - we all had such a good time!

Jayne and Ros who organised it, had been so thoughtful and the event was really well managed throughout. At the start we were all able to pick a stone that had been specially selected from a beach with us in mind. We connected to the stone and used it throughout the workshop.

There were mandala oracle cards especially for the day and we each chose one. This was my one:

Divine Light
It says: We all have that spark of light within us, let it glow bright and shine. Fill yourself with a bright white shaft of light and beam, glow, sparkle and twinkle everywhere you go.

To set us all off nicely, the amazingly talented Jane, talked us through a guided meditation to connect us with our inner creativity and support in doing so from other realms. I managed to connect to a white light being and there were a fair few angels present too. It was a great way to kick things off and everyone enjoyed it.

Once we sat down, for someone like me who has absolutely no drawing ability at all, I admit, it was a bit daunting but it's surprising how quickly you get into the flow of it. Jayne made sure everyone was comfortable and keeping up.

My mandala was nothing like I thought it would be. I was certain that mine would be floaty and soft and curvy - fairy like even. In reality it is the total opposite with harsh lines and geometric shapes. I took this to be because I have a strong connection with Archangel Metatron.

Once we'd drawn out our designs we moved on to donning eye masks to block out any visual distractions. A description of each colour and its properties was read out and music of the same vibration as the colour was played: it was fascinating that we all knew which colour was being talked about, without being told. Then we got to paint that colour on our mandala and the colours also related to our chakras too.

As if all that wasn't enough for one day we then had the pleasure of having our mandalas interpreted by Jane Alexander (Nee Swales), Jane can be booked here: Me and my son had a joint reading for this and learnt all kinds of things about our soul journey. My favourite thing was, that we have been souls together many times before and that we have come to the earth plane together to support each other on our spiritual paths. He really is a gem.

This is a mandala that my son made me years ago. I think it's special that the colours go in the order of the chakras, yet he didn't know what chakras even were when he made it. 

Although my mandala is nothing like I imagined and probably the worst executed there, I would do this workshop again in a heartbeat. What a great and unique day - it was very therapeutic and relaxing too.

My finished mandala. It reminds me of when you did art at school and had to draw Bonfire Night! Still, God loves a trier, right?

Next time I will channel a fairy or delicate angel to ensure I create the pretty swirly soft mandala I have in my head!

 I highly recommend giving this a go as you will be amazed at what you come up with. Every person on the course created something completely unique and no two mandalas were even slightly similar.

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