Monday 12 August 2013

Me My House And I

Hello and welcome to the new readers from Switzerland, it's lovely to have you join us all.

Me My House And I

At the tender age of eighteen I left home for Exeter to try and get away from the abuse and fear that resided in Preston. Not long after this I had my only child, after another disastrous relationship broke up following a scary episode in Exeter, which ended with my life being seriously threatened. Another story for another time...

I was lucky enough to have good family, my amazing uncle who rescued me from Exeter and my long-suffering immediate family who welcomed me back with open arms.  All I will say on this subject is - don't mess with scouse families!!!

Photo taken from FinePix

Once I had my baby it was time to start acting like an adult, something that had completely eluded me up until then. They say nothing prepares you for parenthood, well, I say nothing prepares you for life and when life 'happens' you have to embrace it and strive to always do your best no matter what the situation. 

My babys' father was AWOL (this is a blessing, but one of those you can't see at the time) but we were lucky enough to be offered a house by the local Housing Association and one that was on a private road, in a good area, so we were really grateful for that.

With next to no belongings and an understanding family I was able to go and look at the house straight away. I enlisted help to get it into shape before moving in.

I excitedly headed down the path and although I had been warned that the house was in disarray, I didn't care, as it was going to be our home and it represented a new start for us.

As soon as the front door opened I had the most terrible feeling that someone had been hurt and abused in there. I could barely step foot in the place. Domestic violence was thick in the air. You've heard the expression you could cut the air with a knife? Well, you could, yet no-one was there.

Everyone tried to reassure me that the house would clean up and a lick of paint would see it right. It looked so much better after we spent some time sorting it out - weeks actually, as it was in such a state - you wouldn't get away with putting a young family in a house like that these days. 

I was still ill at ease with the house and my baby wouldn't settle at all either. Perhaps he was picking up on my feelings or perhaps he was picking up on the house feeling.

Safe to say I've had nothing but trouble with this house, which I've never been able to move from. Every time I get close to a move (twice I've been let down at exchange of contracts when trying to move), something happens and there is no way that I can move. In addition, relationships, as you know from a previous post were abusive and broke down, so many issues with the building that can't be explained...The kitchen ceiling has collapsed twice with no reason known; we've had the smell of sewage/rot so bad that returns all the time, Environmental Health and Dyno-Rod have been. Experts have been under the house, cameras, dyes, you name explanation and no cure!

One particular time following another freak repair, insurance was involved and the carpet fitter told me he knew two previous families who lived at the house and that they had been cursed whilst living here. He told me that now they've moved they have wonderful lives, but their lives were awful whilst living in this house. I forgot to thank him for his comforting words!

I do believe in taking responsibility for your own life and everything that happens, using The Laws Of Attraction to manifest good around you, but despite my incredibly positive ways, it's fair to say in this house we've been dogged by bad luck.

Enough was enough and I decided to enlist help, contacting a Space-Clearing expert in the area. For those that don't know, space-clearing is the art of clearing away negative energy and imprints in buildings that can cause bad luck/misfortune. This wonderful lady sensed the same as me without being told anything. She used Divining Rods (for dowsing) to source what is wrong and it turns out there's a male spirit (negative entity) plus lots of negative energy left-over from all the bad things that kept happening.

This wonderful lady is coming to do the space-clearing on Saturday and I will let you all know how it goes. I can't wait for the fresh start and the catalyst to moving on to pastures new.

To arrange for space-clearing of your home or business you can contact Jayne here:

These are the cards that I drew to advise how the space-clearing will go:

  This is the card for the past representing the need to take back power.

 This card is for the current and represents the need to connect with the Divine. It shows that there is a loved one who has passed who is watching over me. I know who the 'loved one' is as I have had experiences of them here in the house, which I will write about another time. I do not want them around.

 This represents the future and tells that the new space will be a great place for creating spiritual community and helping others, where previously there has been despair.

I'll finish by saying that during my lonelier years in this house, my spirit grew immensely. I was guided greatly by my grandad, who I have learnt so much from and continue to learn from to this day. He and his parents where Spiritualists (in fact my grandad used to be a healer) and it was in my darker days alone in this house that I started to learn about The Occult and to find "my own evidence". I will be posting soon about the Circle (Seance) that my Great Grandparents used to host at their home in Liverpool and the book my Grandad has given me featuring their channeled messages from Spirit. 

We need both good and bad in our lives to create balance and teach us lessons, but with so much 'bad' it is time now for me to embrace the 'good' to re-store balance. I still look forward to the lessons each day brings me. 

Written with gratitude to all those who helped get the house sorted one way or another and those who supported me through my darker days alone in the house. 

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