Thursday 29 August 2013

What Goes Around Comes Around On The Karmic Wheel Of Justice

The blog is now one month old and I want to say a big "thank you" to its global readers. With close to one thousand hits, I'm blown away by the popularity of it and the encouraging comments from you, the readers. Thank you all so much. Please do share it with people if you think they'd enjoy it.

Hands up if you've ever said any of these phrases or similar "bad karma will get them", "what goes around, comes around - they'll get what they deserve", "I don't need to get revenge, karmic justice will do it for me". Now, hands up if you properly understand karma and the phrases quoted here? For the record, my hand was up the first time and was firmly down the second. I'd like to add that I haven't used any of those phrases for many, many years. I no longer feel the need to hurt others just because they hurt me. I feel blessed because I haven't felt the need since I was about fifteen (although I was very defensive at fourteen - like a Yorkshire Terrier, all bark, no bite). Why don't I say it anymore?

First off, I don't consider it my place to decide who deserves what. Nor do I believe that karma works how we'd like it to when we're in a spiteful state of mind. Too many of us want it to be a vehicle of revenge or a defence mechanism for our own personal use. If you think about it, if karma means that hurting someone else leads to you being hurt back, why are you wishing harm on another? Surely by wishing harm on another "bad karma will get you" too?

What goes around comes around on the fairground of life.

Forgiveness is so much more empowering than revenge or watching another get hurt just because they hurt us. Yet we choose to ignore it so often. We assume that getting karma to do our 'dirty work' will be easier and somehow diminishes us of our responsibility.

It's my understanding that karma is viewed differently according to different belief systems. As usual, my beliefs are a mixture of many belief systems, not that I profess to know anything about karma. How could I? It is after all a force that is at work, not a person running around dishing out punishment on our behalf.

However, what I do believe in is Cause and Effect, The Laws Of Attraction and that whatever you do will come back on you threefold. Our thoughts, actions and words all contain energy and that energy creates our reality. It is therefore our own responsibility for what happens to us. It has nothing to do with us what someone else has done or what happens to them next. If you plant a tomato plant seed, you can only get a tomato plant. You are responsible entirely for your own results.

I know this can be hard to believe when gripped by hurt, but by letting go of that hurt and doing something positive and sincere (The Universe knows when you're faking it!) for the person who hurt you, I promise you that you'll feel empowered. If you can't do that, do what your mum told you "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". So this is me getting all mumsy on you "if you can't do anything nice, do nothing at all", or better still - try harder. If someone does something that hurts or upsets me, no matter what it was, I send them loving thoughts and wish that they get help with whatever issue caused them to behave in such a way.

A tree can only blow in the direction of the wind.
Stand proud no matter how much you hurt. Choose to be different and only give out love.                           

In some religions they believe karma is carried with you through your many lives, in meditation class we accessed our karmic records and I made a surprising discovery about one of my past lives. It made perfect sense and helped me understand this life. I will share it with you all one day. Ooh, so much to share with you all, it's really exciting!

We all know 'good' people who have 'bad' things happen to them, right? Somewhere down the line they are transmitting negative energy and receiving it back into their lives. Also, who are we to decide who or what is 'good' and what is 'bad'? Surely there is just whatever is happening at that time and that's it. If we're all responsible for our actions, there is no 'good' or 'bad' , just what we've brought about. Food for thought.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone and remember any negative thoughts, actions and words you put out there are your responsibility and harm you most of all.

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