Monday 5 August 2013

A Message For The Week Ahead

Hello, a warm welcome and thank you to readers from The Netherlands who have now joined us all.

A Message For The Week Ahead:

Today's message is one from the angels designed to help and guide us through the week ahead (from when you read this post).

This one card is a strong message for you from the angels.

Divine Guidance - channeled message:

This card has been drawn for a reason only you know, as you are not yet brave enough to admit to yourself or anyone else, a change in you or your belief system.

In order to love and accept yourself fully, you must be true to yourself. The angels accept this is a big step for you and their message is that you are not alone and to source like-minded people for support and learning.

This card also tells you that a loved one who has passed is watching over you and is proud of all you've achieved. Take it slowly and when the time is right, your next steps shall be revealed. So watch out for the sign as you will be given one. Do not ignore the sign through fear as this could lead to a very wrong path. Listen to the voice within. Seek out the truth.

The message above was channeled via Archangels and Guides with thanks.

What The Book Says:

I would like to add that I sense delays to plans this coming week and that you must be patient. Even if you can see no reason at all for the delay, there is one...perhaps it will enable you to have a chance meeting of significance with someone or something.

Enjoy your week ahead, everyone!

p.s. I asked Ascended Masters for guidance about how to continue with this blog and this is the card that I got:

It seems self-explanatory and who am I to disagree! I'm going to change my profile picture to this card in honour of him and as a reminder to myself to keep this blog going.

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