Thursday 31 October 2013

Inspirational, Positive Spiritual Quotes And Mantras

Here are some of my own inspirational, spiritual quotes and mantras. Feel free to use and share them, but please make sure that this blog address remains on them. Thank you.

Be Your Own Best Friend And Magic Will Happen.

We are often hardest on ourselves and our own worst critic. Can you remember a time when you gave yourself as good advice as you'd give a friend? We all need to learn to listen to our own inner wisdom, to trust our intuition and to not be afraid to tell ourselves some harsh truths once in a while. Balance this with compassion for yourself and you will live in love and truth.

Let Go Of The Past To Make Room For The Future.

It's hard to let go of things in our life we hold (or even once held) dear. If we can master the art of letting go, we make room for the universe to bless us with more abundance and gifts. Give to receive and let go to let in.

When A Light Is Switched On, Darkness Has Nowhere To Go And It Dies.

Fight fear with love and light, then watch as the fear and the darkness fades. 

Love Is All Around You. All You Have To Do Is Open Your Heart And Your Eyes Will See It.

The more we give love, the more we are open to receive and recognise it. The more we put up barriers to protect ourselves, the more we lock love out and the less we can receive. 

Your Thoughts, Words And Actions Create Your Future. Be Positive For A Brighter Future.

Our whole Universe is energy, we are energy too. Our thoughts, words and actions transmit energy and we get back what we put out there. It's wise to watch our words, learn to think positive and only behave in ways that emanate what we would want back in our lives. The key to this is gratitude: if you can feel grateful for all you have your in life, you will emit positive energy and it will come right back to you. Your life is a mirror of what's inside you.

May your weekend be blessed with love, laughter and positivity. 

Friday 25 October 2013

Keeping The Faith In Times Of Trouble

Ever felt like you were being tested? "These things were sent to 'try' us", that sort of thing?

During the past few weeks I have been 'tried' to about as much as I can take. I'm sure you've all had times like that? Maybe you're going through a time like that right now or know someone who is. I'm sending love out to any who are.

Want to know how it all started? Are you sitting comfortably? About 4 weeks ago, on a Friday, I was doing a reiki self-treatment when a very loud and clear message was received completely out of the blue. The message was..."Your cats mission here on earth is up. You got him to be a best friend to your son and now your son has a best friend at college." WHAT?! It was clear I was being forewarned to prepare for our cats departure. Devastated doesn't quite cover it. I sobbed and shook the whole way through the remainder of the treatment. My cat was perfectly healthy: I didn't understand the message.

The following Monday my cat was sick. I immediately took him to the vets. Even then everything seemed fine and the vet said the cat was incredibly healthy for a 16 year old, but his teeth need scraping and they'd want to do a 'dental'. It's normal practice to check older cats blood and urine before an op, so that's what happened.

Once the results were in, I was called but told I'd best go in for the results. By this time I was starting to fear (I know, I'm still battling that beast!) the worst.

I was told that our cat has renal failure and that they wouldn't want to do the op, as a result. All his issues were manageable so I was still hopeful he'd be OK.

Choose fear or faith

To try to put it into perspective, he is not 'just' a cat to us. He's the centre of our universe, everything in the house revolves around our love for him and has done for over 14 years. Rather like when someone has a new baby, but if that baby stayed a baby for all those years. Most people will understand this, but I know for some it will be incomprehensible to get so close to an animal.

 Our cat making himself comfy

 Our cat looking up at us with his big gold eyes

Our cat enjoying a good sleep and dream

There's something about people (or pets) passing over that I don't handle well at all. It's definitely something I need to work on. Strange really as I have regular conversations with one of my nanas that passed years ago. You'd think I'd handle it better than most, but for some reason...I don't!

So far we've had a few traumatic weeks of thinking todays the day he leaves, oh no it isn't, oh yes it is (not quite as pantomime as it sounds). Many of you will know the endless rollercoaster of emotions when someone is terminally ill.

Several other tests have been thrown in on the way, but I will not write about these. I've been on a low vibe so was bound to attract other nasty stuff in to my life too.

I got to breaking point, as our cat wouldn't eat and was seriously ill. I couldn't handle the upset any more and I was so angry about it all. It feels like this is part of my chosen path: a necessary lesson and so I took to my Asana (wool mat used for Shakti invoking meditation). I was too wound up to meditate. Instead I had what can only be described as a rant at Shakti, Shiva, reiki, angels and even the 'G' word (God). I wanted to know why, I needed help and I was giving up this stupid path anyway - everyone is leaving me, so why should I stay?

Archangel Metatron came to me and said he has another mission for my cat very soon and that he would look after him. Even this wasn't good enough for me. I felt guilty as I knew it would be hard for our cat too, but I was asking for support for me. I changed tack, I asked for healing for our cat and support to get him through.

I gave our cat regular reiki even though I knew it would help him leave his physical body. This taught me to trust reiki to do right by him and for me to surrender as the channel and reiki as the healer. I fully expected our cat to pass away soon, he deteriorated rapidly.

In the end the vet gave us 48 hours to get him well or bring him back into the surgery. I did another reiki and his condition worsened. It came to me to take him into the vets even though 12 hours, not 48, had passed. He was admitted as an emergency case and we all thought this was 'it'.

Our cat is now home and his kidney function is within normal range. The main issue is his teeth and if anti-biotics don't sort them, he will likely need that 'dental', but if he has it, he has a very good prognosis.

Things are not always as they seem

Essentially, I have learnt so much from this experience and although I haven't enjoyed it, I'm grateful for the lessons learnt:

* Surrender to reiki with complete detachment from the outcome. Reiki works in mysterious ways and in a funny way I think it was teaching me this.

* Ask for help when you need it i.e. before you die from a broken heart (don't expect anything less than drama from me!).

* In having the cat in cat hospital, we had 48 hours without him physically being here, we knew he was somewhere else but we couldn't see him. This was reiki giving us a trial run and proving we will survive when he passes, though it was very hard and I still dread the day.

* Sacrifice how I feel for the benefit of the person (or cat) who is really going through it i.e. we may be sad that someone is terminally ill, but it is not happening to us, it is happening to them.

* I should not panic at the first sign of something not going to my plan. The Universe is in charge of plans and is far better at it than me.

I've learnt lots more too but they're the key points. It's one none-stop learning-curve party in this house, let me tell you!

To anyone going through a 'rough patch', please try to have faith. God is on your side and even if you can't see a reason for what is going on, there will be one - it might just be a lesson for you, but remember only when the pupil is ready does the master appear.


Monday 21 October 2013

My Vibrational Sound Mandala

Just a post today to share with you all the course I went on yesterday to create my very own mandala.

The course was hosted by the lovely ladies over at Penwortham Complementary Health Centre - see link here for other events

The rather radiant Jayne hosted the full-day workshop and it was packed full of fun and laughter - we all had such a good time!

Jayne and Ros who organised it, had been so thoughtful and the event was really well managed throughout. At the start we were all able to pick a stone that had been specially selected from a beach with us in mind. We connected to the stone and used it throughout the workshop.

There were mandala oracle cards especially for the day and we each chose one. This was my one:

Divine Light
It says: We all have that spark of light within us, let it glow bright and shine. Fill yourself with a bright white shaft of light and beam, glow, sparkle and twinkle everywhere you go.

To set us all off nicely, the amazingly talented Jane, talked us through a guided meditation to connect us with our inner creativity and support in doing so from other realms. I managed to connect to a white light being and there were a fair few angels present too. It was a great way to kick things off and everyone enjoyed it.

Once we sat down, for someone like me who has absolutely no drawing ability at all, I admit, it was a bit daunting but it's surprising how quickly you get into the flow of it. Jayne made sure everyone was comfortable and keeping up.

My mandala was nothing like I thought it would be. I was certain that mine would be floaty and soft and curvy - fairy like even. In reality it is the total opposite with harsh lines and geometric shapes. I took this to be because I have a strong connection with Archangel Metatron.

Once we'd drawn out our designs we moved on to donning eye masks to block out any visual distractions. A description of each colour and its properties was read out and music of the same vibration as the colour was played: it was fascinating that we all knew which colour was being talked about, without being told. Then we got to paint that colour on our mandala and the colours also related to our chakras too.

As if all that wasn't enough for one day we then had the pleasure of having our mandalas interpreted by Jane Alexander (Nee Swales), Jane can be booked here: Me and my son had a joint reading for this and learnt all kinds of things about our soul journey. My favourite thing was, that we have been souls together many times before and that we have come to the earth plane together to support each other on our spiritual paths. He really is a gem.

This is a mandala that my son made me years ago. I think it's special that the colours go in the order of the chakras, yet he didn't know what chakras even were when he made it. 

Although my mandala is nothing like I imagined and probably the worst executed there, I would do this workshop again in a heartbeat. What a great and unique day - it was very therapeutic and relaxing too.

My finished mandala. It reminds me of when you did art at school and had to draw Bonfire Night! Still, God loves a trier, right?

Next time I will channel a fairy or delicate angel to ensure I create the pretty swirly soft mandala I have in my head!

 I highly recommend giving this a go as you will be amazed at what you come up with. Every person on the course created something completely unique and no two mandalas were even slightly similar.

Saturday 19 October 2013


Thank you all for your interesting questions. The winner of the competition has been emailed.

You certainly got me thinking how to reply to some of them. As you know I believe that we create everything in our lives via our thoughts, words and actions, so I believe all the questions asked teach me about myself and what my thoughts are. It's been a fascinating insight. Thank you all for assisting.

I've tried to shorten the questions to make them fit here and be easily comprehendible to others.

Q) Do you believe in God?

A) This is something I really struggle with. Having taken a spiritual path, I feel I should both believe and have faith, but it doesn't come naturally to me.

The issue being that I was baptised Catholic and this religion never really sat right with me, or any religion, for that matter... Where there is religion, there is a God - this is usually a deity in the form of a man and to be worshipped. Those who know me, know I only worship cats!

More recently, in fact, very recently, I started to believe in God, but not as a deity or a scornful master the way religions do: instead I believe God is the infinite potential and possibilities within all of us and the entire universe. So, to me the closest thing to God is actually Life Force. Life Force is all seeing and all knowing and exists everywhere including within us, it always acts for our greater good - God-like don't you think?

I also believe in Gods in terms of strands of energy forces that interact with Life Force energy and that carry certain attributes - the sort of Gods written about in mythology. This is a fairly new concept to me and one I'm still adjusting to, so it is open to change at any time. Yes, this is a disclaimer. 

So, in short, yes - I do believe in God, but probably not in the way you meant in your question!

Q) Can you teach me reiki?

A) While I can't recommend reiki enough, I'm not able to 'teach' it yet. I actually don't think it can be 'taught', it is more complex and individual than that. To start with in order to channel reiki you need to be attuned by a reputable Reiki Master / Teacher (RMT). Your RMT will then guide you on your reiki path, but they cannot truly teach you. 

There are two RMT's that I highly recommend and who I believe to be the best in the local area, these are:

Jane Alexander (Nee Swales)

Jayne Morrisey

However, you can simply do an internet search for a RMT in your area and pick whoever you're most drawn to.

One thing I did find when I was looking was people claiming to be the best; claiming that so many years experience makes them better than others, claiming that having lots of pupils means they're better than other RMT's, claiming to be great healers and all sorts of other claims. In my personal opinion, these are signs of Ego over Spirit and not what I would want from a RMT. That's just my opinion though, so good luck with your search and trust your intuition to find the right one for you.

Q) Where do you get your reiki done?

A) As per my previous answer there are two people I go to for reiki - Jane Alexander and Jayne Morrisey, plus I have a friend called Hazel who is an excellent channel of reiki. That's not to say I wouldn't have it from anyone else, as I believe the practitioner is just a gateway anyway. You can get it from anyone insured and qualified to give it.

I can and will give it for free to people who I know face-to-face.

Q) Are you a Witch?

A) Ooh, I was so flattered by this question - thank you. 

Sadly, I don't have anything like the knowledge and wisdom of my Wiccan and Pagan friends.

I can't say that The Craft is something I would ever try either. I don't know anything like enough to be working with the elements, attempting spells or whatever else witches do!

I do share some beliefs, values and practices in common with what little I do know about being Wiccan and Pagan.

Recently I bought an Esoteric magazine and it was full of spells and rituals to try at home. Maybe I'm a party-pooper, but it felt irresponsible to publish these for anyone to use in any old way. You should always be careful what you ask the universe for, as although you will get it, it won't necessarily come as you wish and will nearly always have a knock on effect - and it may be one that is very unwanted and unforeseen.

Q) How do your friends and family feel about the stuff you write?

A) That depends which 'stuff' you mean? Admittedly some of it is hard for them to read as they wish it hadn't happened to me. 

I'm a very open person and I wear my heart on my sleeve, so what you read on the blog is no different to what I talk about with friends and family.

The blog has been a great tool for helping me heal and grow spiritually. I think of it as a way of bringing up sometimes taboo topics and also hope it helps others, wherever they are in their journey.

I must admit it's a great playground for my Ego, too!

One thing I need to learn though is to respect the other side of my stories. I realised after a recent blog post that it may have been unfair on people who knew the person I wrote about. I'm truly sorry for that as it was a selfish thing to do. However, I won't be too hard on myself as it is also my story to tell and to tell how I like and to whom I like.

Q) What happens when you die?

A) This is a very relevant question for me at the moment as it saddens me to write that my cat, who I've worshipped for over 14 years, is preparing to leave his physical body.

What I think happens, though I don't remember from previous lives (I wonder if it's like labour, where you forget what it's like, so you'll be willing to do it again!), is that your spirit (soul) leaves your physical body and moves into the Spirit World. I don't know where this world is but I suspect it is all around us but on a different vibration.

From there you enter a different plane. I seem to think there are nine, but I could be wrong. The highest plane is where the Ascended Masters reside, who can be contacted to help teach you and to help you to also reach the elevated levels.

You may choose to enter into a physical life again in order to aid your souls progression to these higher planes. In doing so you would agree a life/soul contract detailing what you want to experience in order to progress. An example might be that if you were a murderer you might want to come back as a victim so you can experience how it felt for them and truly repent. OK, that's a bit extreme, but you get the idea? When someone does something hurtful to you, it may be that you wanted to experience that something to progress and that they were the soul who agreed to re-incarnate with you and do it to you - to help you. 

I could write a lot about this subject but as it's a personal one and one that everyone will have their own beliefs on, I'll leave it there for now. I may well re-visit it for a blog post dedicated to the topic of the After Life. We'll see.

Thank you all for your questions and loyalty. You're the best!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Thank You

There's now been well over 2,500 views of my blog and I wanted to give something back to you, the readers. Whether you're one of the people who openly supports the blog; 'liking' or sharing it on Facebook; retweeting it on Twitter; 1+ it on Google; telling your friends about it, or prefer to just quietly read it without comment, by way of appreciation, I've decided to do a question and answers post.

How it will work:

You can ask me a question about anything: it could be an experience you've had or you may want to know more about an experience that I've written about, you may want my humble opinion on something or you may just want me to cover an esoteric topic that hasn't already been covered on here...

Send your questions to

I will do a post with the questions remaining anonymous (unless you want me to name you - in which case, please let me know this) and my answers to the posed questions.

Please note that I will not reply individually to emails with questions.

As an added bonus I will randomly pick one person from those who send questions and this person will receive a private angel card reading for free via email.

Please have your questions in to me by Wednesday 16th October 2013.

Good luck.

Here, have one of my sun reflecting on water and pink orb photos for good luck.

Friday 4 October 2013

This Post Is Brought To You By The Letter 'M'

One of my favourite all time memories is of being aged about 7 or 8, I was taken to get a mini kitty: this is a kitten to all you normal people out there. It's true that mini kitty's choose you...a little jet black runt of litter chose me that day. I called him Merlin, can't say that I particularly liked Camelot or Arthur - I hadn't even read the story - I just felt a strong connection to this Wizard. What child wouldn't? He fixed un-fixable things with magic, there's no denying, that's pretty cool.

My mini kitty was my best mate and gave love unconditionally, the way pets do. He was so soft he let me push him up and down our street in a pram. I now know that out of respect for the animal I shouldn't have done that, but at that age it was my way of showing him I loved him. He was my baby.

Despite what this photo looks like, Merlin was not harmed in the making of this photo. He fell asleep every night cuddled into me like that. 

It was obvious to me that he could see the same ghosts and spirits in my room that I could. When they appeared he would turn to look at them and either purr his acceptance or swish his tail at them. It was our secret and my room became our den, which we spent hours and hours in together - inseparable.

A slightly older Merlin surveying his territory. This was taken at Whinfell Rd in West Derby, Liverpool, where our house was more haunted than the last one.

In later years I neglected Merlin. I had a boyfriend and knew that I'd be in trouble if I wasn't at his home at a set time each night. It's one of my biggest regrets that I allowed this to happen. Cats are adaptable and have a built-in survival instinct, so he moved on and easily became my parents' best-mate instead. Still, this shouldn't have happened and he deserved better from me. Guess I need to learn to forgive myself the way I easily forgive others.

Many years after Merlin passed and quite recent to now, a lovely friend of mine told me about some energy healing, similar to reiki: the healing was called 'M' Healing and the 'M' stood for Merlin. I was still very new to the concept of energy healing at this stage and wasn't even sure that I believed there was a new energy called 'Merlin'. I had the curiosity of a cat though because of the name.

My curiosity led me to look into it and I came across this website which told me all about it. Lets just say it did nothing to quash my curiosity.

'M' Healing logo used courtesy of Keith Mapson.

One Sunday I was a FIFA Widow, well I was actually quite a regular FIFA Widow at the time but...there was a chance to have free distant 'M' Healing, which is regularly advertised on  the website and I decided to try it for myself.

I sat quietly at my PC and followed the instructions for how to receive this healing. Not expecting to feel anything, I was bowled over by the power of this energy. It had a kind of galactic spacey feel to it and I was rushing from the strength of it. It was very visual and I could see my grandparents who had passed reaching out their hands to me (well, my nana was, my 'big' grandparents were looking on bewildered!) About 30 minutes in, I could see a ghost in my minds eye, a person from my past who had sadly taken their own life. I didn't want to see them and I tried to shut them out, but I heard them say "It should be me...". I didn't understand. What should be them? Maybe they meant the healing? I knew they'd needed help on the Earth Plane. I wanted to send them healing (and away!) but I didn't know how.

The above photo is taken from the NASA website. I wonder if this is what Merlin looks like? It's what he feels like to me.

I got the message during another free 'M' Healing session to take photos out the window and I would see further evidence. 
 Is it a bird, is it a plane? There's a figure flying in-between the clouds. It looks like a bird here, but I promise you that it wasn't!

Dark cloud handing out pink orbs on a super sunny day.

Apart from that it was a pleasant experience and opened my eyes to question more about what there was in this Universe. I ran to tell my FIFA Fiance all about it. I got the usual look of you're crazy, but I love you and I'm going to humour you.

That same night I had a lucid dream that took me to the Spirit World. I know it was the Spirit World because I've been before and it has a different feel to this Plane and it's not the same as a dream. 

A man came for me, I thought him to be a Spirit Guide, though I knew he wasn't mine. He was dressed in red and gold robes - a bit like someone from the Catholic Church would wear (must admit this did put me off him a bit!). It felt subdued and solemn, like a death but we weren't at a funeral. It was very serious and formal. I was taken to a church which looked a bit like my old childhood one.. We passed a glass cabinet where most of my married relatives photos were displayed with them in their couples. They too were dressed in red and gold on the photos and I knew the photos were their wedding days. The man guiding me looked pityingly at me and shook his head. I noticed mine and my Fiances picture wasn't in there. I assumed because we weren't married yet (this was around February and we were due to be married in August).

I was led ceremonial style to the altar and I was surrounded by Ascended Masters all wearing the same red and gold robes and I waited there for my Fiance. I believed we were to be married there. The message came from the Guide "It's not him you're going to marry". It was all so confusing. He told me "You know who it is, but they haven't turned up". I instantly knew it was my ex, who took his own life and who I saw at my house that day. Panic rose in me like a flame through a match. I tried to protest...the Guide held me there without touching me..."but I don't want to...I don't trust them", I said.

Running as fast as I could out the church, I found a block of flats. I climbed the outside of the flats, searching in every window for my ex. I had to explain this couldn't happen. 

When I reached the 5th floor of these hideously dirty flats, my intuition told me this was his room. I climbed through the window and he appeared. It all came back to me... how much he hurt me, how much he manipulated me and how much I let him because of the overwhelming love I felt for him. He said "I'm sorry, I'm late". I heard my pathetic self forgive him (again! Grr!) and he told me "You will never love anyone the way you loved me." It devastated me. I knew I would never let anyone treat me as badly as he did and love them as unconditionally as I did him. A bit like my cat, Merlin, who loved me unconditionally, though I didn't deserve it.

The dream ended in joy as I realised we had met to forgive each other and say goodbye. The saddest thing was on the way out of the church when I checked the display cabinet and there still wasn't a photo of me and my Fiance.

A few months later me and my Fiance split up in an unrelated incident and our wedding was cancelled. No-one could have predicted it - except maybe, Merlin.

I can't tell you if the dream was a prediction, guidance from 'above', or just something I needed to get out of my system in order that I could heal. I can tell you that it was one of my most powerful healing experiences I've ever had.

It goes without saying that we must treasure what we've got whilst we've got it. Let the important people (or animals) in our lives know what they mean to us. I know as well as anyone that it can all change in the blink of an eye, leaving you with regrets.

Why not make it your mission this weekend to appreciate all that you have. I'm going to.

Have the best time, everyone and I'll be back to share more of my life with you all very soon.

Merlin doing his favourite past-time - sleeping.

Always the Bridesmaid Never the Bride

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Oracle Card Reading For The Day

An Oracle card reading from my beautiful Healing Angels pack by Doreen Virtue.

Card For The Day:

Answered Prayers

Something has been on your mind for a while now and you'd like assistance with it. 

This card serves to tell you that assistance is all around you and your prayers or thoughts have been heard.

Angelic assistance comes in many guises. You may have an intuition or realisation, someone might come into your life to help you or a new opportunity appears.  

To help you get the assistance you need the angels are asking you to be extra observant. Angels often give you the information you need in everyday ways. Look out for any help that comes your way and accept it graciously.

I have a strong feeling that for many this relates to a test in their lives; a test of faith, love, what you really want and how much you really want it - what are you willing to sacrifice? Be clear and strong and it will fall into place at the right time. Patience, I feel, is key.

May this reading help and inspire you to achieve all that you want in your life.