Wednesday 31 July 2013

A Healing Message For You All

I had a strong feeling this morning that those who are drawn to my blog should be given guidance on how to heal. I do feel it is my life purpose to initiate healing in others and facilitate this through Reiki, but using guidance from Angels.

I do try to trust my instincts and to follow my own Inner Wisdom so here today especially for you is guidance direct from the Angels I spoke with this morning.

I decided to do a three card spread for you from the Angels.

This first card represents your recent past:

Aspiration – I sense you aspire to be more and you feel lack in an area (not all of your life). The Angels want you to know you can be anything you aspire to be, as long as you are being true to yourself.


This next card represents the present through to the early future:

Discernment – I believe you need to refine your own sense of self and learn to be more true to you. Currently the Angels feel you are trying somehow to please others, thus losing sight of who you truly are.


This third card represents the future through to not too far ahead. Please note if you are drawn to reading this post at a date in the future then the cards will still be relevant to you at that time (because you were drawn to them - I call this Divine Timing):

Archangel Raphael – I was delighted to draw this card because I had asked for help to heal you all. Archangel Raphael is a very special Angel as he ‘heads up’ the healing Angels – we are so blessed have his help. Please close your eyes and envisage green light around you and ask him to help you with your current healing need and he will do, I promise. If you are going on holiday (which you may well be at this time of year!) then Archangel Raphael will help you have a good time.

I’d like to thank the Angels for their guidance today. I hope you found some help and comfort from this reading and if you liked it ask that you subscribe to the blog by typing your email in the box at the top of it and selecting submit. You will then get emails to tell you about new posts including future card readings, which I will do if people want them.


Not one to do a reading and then leave you with questions or no support, I also channeled Guides, Ascended Masters and positive energies to choose a Wisdom card for you. This card comes from them and I thank them for their guidance.

Authenticity – This card re-iterates the need to shut down the nagging doubts you have and learn to put yourself first. You can still be kind / considerate to others but you must start to listen to your inner voice in order to re-store the balance to your life. A big change is needed. The Guides are telling you "do not be afraid but instead have faith that it is right for you". This is most important. I sense for a lot this will be a career change or a change to their current job role/wok ethos.


My Sacred Area for Readings and Reiki:

In this photograph you can see the card spreads and also my crystal Angel who represents Grace. Grace is a very special Angel to me as I have known her since I was little. She is the female energy of Archangel Zadkiel (who ‘heads up’ the Angels of Joy) and we were re-united by my amazing Reiki Master/Teacher, Jane Swales (who I will blog about at some point – yes, she’s that good!). Since then I have made a shrine to Grace in my room and she is always with me.

I also felt strongly I should use the two crystals photographed for support and this is what their properties are when used in healing:

The green one on the left as you look at the photograph is Malachite. It is said to be a powerful emotional cleanser helping to remove past traumas, and negative emotions, to bring harmony into your life.

The black spotty one on the right as you look at the photograph is Snowflake Obsidian. It is a stone of purity. It balances mind body and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian will calm and soothe and allow you to view unhealthy patterns in your own behaviour, thus opening the door to change.

May these readings guide and support you at this time to heal from within. 

I look forward to sharing with you again soon.

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