Monday 29 July 2013

An Introduction To The Weird And Wonderful Life Of Louise.

No matter how young or old we are in this life, at some point, something will have happened that we can’t explain, perhaps that shook us, or made us question, maybe the meaning, purpose or if there is more to life than the simplicity that first meets the eye.

I, myself, have had many of these moments. Starting from a young age, as young as I can remember, I had a sense that I had knowledge of life before this one. It’s hard to explain the way I felt, it was just as if nothing was a new experience – things that excited others were missing the joy and excited expectation from me -  some might describe this as depression, but I felt deep joy at others things and I wouldn't personally describe it as depressed. I also knew things would happen before they did, including people dying. I was a very sensitive and some would say difficult child (my mum would say that!). I picked up on others emotions and feelings, even if I had never felt the same emotion before. As a child this can be quite frightening, especially as some of the things I felt were very adult emotions. Little did I know that I would carry this fear forward into my adult years, learning coping techniques and shutting down the light that shone within me, so I could “fit in” better. Through my childhood I often stood back and watched others play as I felt overwhelmed by the reams of information I received in each situation. I also felt a close infinity with people and beings that I could see but others didn't seem to be able to, I felt protected and at peace with them and chaos when I was with other humans. As you can imagine this made friendships very hard to form and though people thought I was ‘nice’, if they were honest, they also thought I was ‘weird’, let’s face it – I was both!

Over the years it became harder to supress this and things kept happening to force the issue more and more, building like a crescendo within me. A bit like a box with things in it you don’t want others to see, but the lid doesn’t quite fit properly, so every now and again, people get a peep, so you squeeze the lid back on again, only to find it fits less and less, until you can’t keep the lid on anymore. I will write more about these experiences as I share what I now refer to as “my evidence”. The reason I call it that is because my Great Aunty, Rose Haigh, who is a Spiritualist, once told me “find your own evidence” and at the time as a young woman, I wondered what on earth she was talking about.  Over the past six months in particular, I have discovered what she was talking about, on an epic scale and this blog is to share with those interested, what that evidence is.

There are many people, including Great Aunty Rose (and she is a great aunty!), who deserve a blog post all of their own and I will write about these people later.
I accept fully that it is just my own evidence and that it will resonate with some and not at all with others. I’m totally accepting of this and I’m open to questions, debate even, although, I will say that as I’ve experienced it for myself, you will find it hard to question. The same way I wouldn’t be able to question someone else’s life experiences.

To give you a taster of some of the topics I will be covering; the blog will be about the practice of reiki and how it has profoundly changed my life for the better. I will be covering my experience of The Universe, the Laws Of Attraction, the places I have been and the realisations I have made through meditation, Shamanic Journeying and connections with Angels, Guides and Ascended Masters, my spiritual awakening and journey, the people who have inspired me, including those who have come into my life for that purpose then left again. I will also write about the spirits I have seen and the energy healing work I have done so far and plan to further. I can only promise to write from the heart and see where it leads us.

I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts, feelings and own life experiences, so please do leave comments and any questions that you may have.

I’d like to offer up thanks to those that helped and guided me to start and write this blog. I have immense gratitude for your love and support, as always.

Thanks for reading and please come back for more.

I’d like to finish by adding that if you are my friend or even if you are an acquaintance, I know these subjects may be all too uncomfortable for some. A wise lady called Jayne Darkes once told me that announcing you are going on a spiritual journey is like a snake shedding the skin it no longer needs. It is painful but necessary to leave some of you behind in order that you can be beautiful and function again. How true. For those that can’t stay, I wish you all the love in the world for your own journey.

Lots of my photos feature pink orbs from behind the sun. I will post some more over the coming months. This signifies to me the end of one path and the search for another in my life, with the sun shining down to represent the happiness that awaits.


  1. defo a snake shedding my skin too - i love your writing hunni xx

  2. I love your writing too. You have an incredible story.
