Thursday 12 September 2013

Part One: The Day I Met Azrael, The Angel Of Death.

Not long after I split up with my Fiance and while I was still feeling incredibly vulnerable, it was time for me to go for my Reiki 1 training and the first part of four attunements. This was a test for how much I wanted it, as to get there I needed to drive past what would have been our wedding venue. When you state an intention to The Universe you'll often find it throws up tests along the way...I managed to drive past it, but as I watched what would have been our venue dressers for the day, drive into the venue, I didn't manage not to cry.

By the time I reached my destination of Ulverston I was struggling to hold it together. I had no idea what to expect from the day and I was decidedly unsure that I was in any state to learn anything. I needn't have worried - if you pass the test for how much you want something, The Universe usually responds with a reward to keep you going.

In I went, determined, yet clueless as to why I was so determined - why was I doing this? I could drive back home and get a 'normal' job? I was greeted by Jane, my Reiki Master Teacher (RMT), who is beyond lovely and put me straight at ease with a tale similar to my own break-up. This was when I first started to truly understand and see that life mirrors you all the time. What you see in others is actually a reflection of what's inside you - even if you don't like what you see (if that's the case, use it to teach yourself / change something).  You see, we are all one, even if we hate to admit it. 

We drew cards to help us determine how the day would go. I picked 'healing sounds', 'sacred union' and 'sorrow'. This was interesting as I learnt that my RMT uses healing sounds, I felt I would have a sacred union that day but wasn't sure who or what with...I was right! Hmm...sorrow...I guessed I was grieving my relationship and even to some extent the excitement and emotional energy spent on planning our 'Big Day'.

For the attunement part I sat on a chair and closed my eyes fully relaxed from the deep meditation I'd been in. I can't say for definite what happened next, I can only tell you it was one of the strongest experiences of my life.

The feeling of the emotion of fear came over me, not our every day earth fear, no, something else, like a force. I've never felt fear like it and I doubt I ever will again (I bloody hope not, anyway!). I didn't know what I was frightened of - it was no one thing. I wanted it to stop, but it didn' carried on like it was being drawn out of me. I sobbed uncontrollably on my chair - like an infant in serious trouble at school. Sorrow descended on me and I felt it ricochet through my entire being. A cold, dark shadow came over me and a great angel with jet black intricate wings stood before me. The angel snatched fear from my left hand and sorrow from my right hand. In my mind I called out for angelic assistance as Azrael felt different to the other angels I knew. Chamuel came to my right and held me, Raphael was floating by my head, Uriel was on my left-hand side and Michael was in front of me, not to protect me but to comfort me, Zadkiel was behind me with his hand on my shoulder. 

Azrael, Angel of Death

My body was shaking so bad the chair I was on was knocking the floor, but I couldn't stop that or the pain that flowed out of me like a river floating away from me forever. I saw a Goddess rise up before me she said "Sha...something". I thought there was a good chance I may have sha...something myself and I tried to regain human semblance to check. 

At the last part of the attunement I heard Jane channel a message to me "remember what it was to be free?", "open your wings and soar", at this precise moment in time I felt the whole of my spine crack and wings burst out from my back, I could even feel the draft from them and everything.

Finally, I saw a rose stem with two snakes coiling round it. The stem led up from my base chakra (lower back energy vortex) and it fired all the way up my spine to my crown chakra (top of the head energy vortex) and burst open into a violet bloom. I realised the attunement was over and I had survived. Phew! Once I'd calmed down I felt on top of the world and freed from the grief I had arrived with.

So there you have it, the day I met Azrael, Angel of Death. I'm glad he didn't wink at me as legend says this is what he does before he snatches your soul from your body when you die. He is also the angel of transformation and I believe this is why he was at my attunement.

This was the start of my many beautiful life experiences with reiki. It's been a rollercoaster and this story leads into another of my Shaktipat Initiation, which I hope to tell you about next time. 

For part two visit here Part Two: The Shakti Sign

I had another three attunements after that first one. Each brought their own gifts. I still can't believe I went back for more. Brave or crazy? You decide!

Jane is a brilliant Reiki Master Teacher and if you'd like to become her pupil or have a treatment from her (highly recommended by me) then you can contact her here:

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