Thursday 19 September 2013

Part Two: The Shakti Sign

Following my reiki attunements I commenced self-treatments daily, this is all part of the process of preparing to do reiki on others. I always say "If you can't heal yourself fully, you can't heal others". Not strictly true, as it's the reiki that does the healing, but what I mean is if you put the work in to clearing out all your negativity and ridding yourself of your demons, you will be a better channel for reiki and also be able to guide people with their healing more, as you'll have experienced it first hand yourself.

I don't keep a journal of my self-treatments as such but I do make a note of any strong healing experiences or anything that comes up that I may want to explore at some point.

I've had some really profound earth-shattering experiences which I'll share another time. The experience I want to write about today is quite a simple one - understated even, but it has led me to the most unbelievable healing and enlightening process I think anyone could ever have.

One day during self-treatment I got the message "look for a sign", can't say who this message was off - it just popped into my head. Hmm...look for a sign? Where do you look for a sign? I know! It's bound to be in the clouds, isn't that where people see signs? I opened my eyes while continuing the treatment, scouring the skies for a 'sign'. I was certain it would be a cloud shaped like an angel. Nope. Nothing in the clouds. As I finished up my treatment I gave up and closed my eyes and the same Goddess from my first reiki attunement appeared lit up in bright blue and said "Shakti" to me. What does that even mean? I tried good old Google. I read a bit and gathered it was a female energy and part of a spiritual awakening called Kundalini Rising. It was quite fascinating actually and anyone interested in Esoteric matters would most likely feel the same. From the sound of it what happened to me at my reiki attunement was similar, my naivety to have thought that, makes me laugh now!

Angel shaped cloud in Sidmouth, Devon.

Due to my fascination I posted on a reiki forum about Kundalini Rising and nearly got my head bit off! Hysterical people telling me, near enough begging me, to stay away from this evil thing that causes people to go insane and is not for one so new to spiritual practice. Although it scared me, the rebel in me wasn't quite put off and something about it felt like it would be 'key' to my development as a reiki practitioner.  

That weekend I was shopping in TK Maxx and a Buddha style statuette caught my eye. It sat proud on the display and it felt like female energy. Impulse purchase ahoy! I decided to call it Lady Shakti in honour of my reiki practice and I queued at the till with it. When I got to the very end of the till, stood by the 'wait here' sign, a little boy ran over and shouted "look, daddy, it's a sign!" he pointed at the sign which was directly aligned to my statuette. Aha! There was my sign, but I didn't 'get' it and was actually disappointed if that was all the sign was - an ornament. I took Lady Shakti home and thought no more about it.

Lady Shakti and her shrine.

It was months later at the end of my meditation class that my teacher brought out a photo of a radiantly peaceful Guru, Swami Nardanand Ji, who was going to be visiting Preston and whom she said was a Shaktipat Master...oh! That word again. As it happened he was visiting on a Tuesday which is the day I get together with my good friend. We decided to go together to see him for something different to do and because he looked like an interesting chap.

It felt odd to me that the word Shakti had come up again and I kept thinking now is the time to explore this more. Though I was still clueless as to what it really meant. I will write more about this and what has happened since, which is beyond life changing and in reality defies words, but I'll do my best to find those words in my next post.

For now, have a great night and enjoy your weekend, everyone. 

For part three visit here: Part Three: Shaktipat Initiation - A Blessing And More

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