Thursday 26 September 2013

Part Three: Shaktipat Initiation - A Blessing And More

Our Tuesday came and we had a lovely stroll through the beautiful Avenham Park in Preston. I did my usual and took lots of photos on the way - if you get me near water, I will always photograph the reflection of the moon or sun on the water - I love it!

One for the road! Taken at the very beautiful Avenham Park, Preston

When we got there we took a seat and I can tell you that Swami Nardanand Ji has a very special air about him. He is so radiantly peaceful and content, a real Guru. We learnt how he left his village in India as a small boy to start on a spiritual path studying esoteric arts such as yoga and meditation. Have to say that if these two things can make you even half as content as him, I thought they would be worth studying. Of course, true happiness comes from within but we all need a helping hand sometimes, right?

There was a short talk by the equally radiant, Swami Jyoti Ma. We gathered from this talk that there was an effortless way to become as content as Guruji and that he could help you to this by giving a simple blessing to you. This blessing would transfer the mindset of the Guru to you, without you having to do, well, anything...too good to be true? It was worth a try.

Our Guru, His Grace, Swami Nardanand Ji

The blessing was to be given at a meditation retreat in Preston with his Grace present. It all sounded perfect and the timing was great too as it was the bank holiday weekend and I knew my partner would come along to meditate as well.

The retreat itself was relaxed and there were lots of wonderful people there from all walks of life. We were both exhausted from stomping in a field to electronic music that weekend and we only just made it to the retreat at 8.30 am. In fact, for a moment we questioned whether to go or not, we were that tired (we're getting old now for raving in fields!). However, the blessing was better than I expected as I wasn't expecting to feel anything. As soon as I sat down after the blessing, I felt hot energy in my solar plexus (central energy vortex) and such intense bliss, I was concerned I might vomit and I didn't want to disturb everyone as they meditated.

What I didn't know then was what it had kick-started in me and what would follow, which to describe as intense simply doesn't do it justice.

To begin with Shakti (Goddess/Mother Divine) and Shiva (God/The Destroyer) start to fast-track clean your karma from all your lives and purify you. Shiva destroys anything no longer necessary in your life such as material attachments, toxic relationships etc. This process is tough - kind of like spiritual boot camp! My life has flashed before my eyes in freeze frames at super speed; emotions come and go quickly; intense memories startle me then leave just as quick; my mind thinks differently as it takes on the mind of my Guru - the world and my reality as I knew it begin to falter as I stumble through everyday activities foiled by startling realisations and a new level of consciousness that's indescribable.  

Shakti and Shiva working in harmony

I've been ill, so ill, for over three weeks with flu like symptoms, migraines and an upset tummy, as Shakti ruthlessly purifies the whole of me. My throat chakra was blocked from years of keeping the secret of my abusive relationships and my attacks from the past, thankfully, Guruji astral planed to me during meditation and unblocked it for me. My mind didn't stop as The Ego struggled to regain control as my spirit rose. I can see things I could never see before, like our one-ness, I can't just feel it now - I can see it. 

Before Shaktipat, I started to think that life mirrored what was inside us, but now I notice it all the time, all the synchronicities - they're actually becoming predictable at times.

Then there is the bliss: for those of you who have dabbled with ecstasy, it's similar to the high and the rushes from that, only amplified and more loving - it somehow has a stronger hold of you, like a giant hug from the Goddess herself. It just comes on from nowhere. I think of it as a reward from the Goddess Shakti for the hard work put in to the spiritual detox and hardcore healing you must go through.

This is only the start of the journey as a Shaktipat Initiate the cleansing (spiritualising every atom) will continue and the raising of awareness will grow. Eventually, my seven main chakras will be balanced and the ascent of the energy up the middle of my spine will begin - kundalini (Divine spiritual energy) rising. It's vital I keep in touch with my Guru and fellow Shaktipat's for this to happen as it should. Without the proper guidance problems can occur and kundalini can also spontaneously rise in those that are ready for it to happen, which can be a frightening experience for them.

Well, The Ego always likes to know that something has happened/worked via strong experiences and I think my Ego must be happy as the past few weeks have been so hard with so many ups and downs since the initiation. It can't deny that 'something' has happened.

The energy has levelled out a lot now and I feel more human again, though this is partially down to the fact that I begged Shakti to slow down, as it really was all too much with the illness, nausea and constant healing. Thank you, for slowing down, Shakti!

I'm looking forward to seeing what else Shakti brings to me and to spending more time in meditation with my fellow Shaktipat Initiates.

Our wonderful Swami's do lots of charitable work and Guruji has set up an Ashram in India for deprived children to study and follow esoteric practice also. As well as this there is a medicine camp there, support for elderly women, shelter for the homeless and a spiritual hub and help centre. If you'd like to find out more or donate you can do here

Have a happy Thursday and wonderful weekend, everyone. 


  1. Love your article Lou ;-)) awesome writer really enjoyed reading this xx

    1. Thank you, Shakti Sister. Sending you lots of love. xx
