Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Roles I Played In Some of My Past Lives

If you’re a follower of my blog you’ll already know about my beliefs re past lives. Click on the link below to see my original article on them: http://http://

Past Lives: How the Past is an Illusion that Can Affect the Future

My curiosity about my own past lives recently led me to a Past Life Viewing held local to me. The viewings are different to actual regression as it’s more like seeing yourself on a film than going back there emotionally.

The night was facilitated by two lovely ladies, Claire and Eleanor, who had everyone there at ease and it made for a relaxed and insightful night.

It was as simple as doing a quick guided meditation, having your third eye activated and placing coloured ribbons round your past life chakras located at the back of your head. 

Here I will give descriptions of each of the lives I saw with the different ribbons and my thoughts on them. The blog post might be longer than normal due to this, but I’ll write in such a way that you can dip in and out of it at any time and read up on a new life when you have time. We viewed nine lives in total, rather like cats. 

Blue Ribbon

In this life I looked like a Gnome or a fat Elf at first. I was a bit puzzled by this. Then I heard the word ‘Druid’ and it clicked.

I was wearing a brown crooked pointy hat, brown gown, green and white striped tights and brown winkle pickers. It felt like I had a very important job to get done very quickly. The job had something to do with a huge brown leather bound book, that I had on the table in my tree house.

We came out of that life before I could find out more about the important book that was bothering me.

Eleanor asked how it related to my life now and I must admit I’m better at dealing with big tasks as opposed to lots of different tasks.  

 White Ribbon

This was one of my favourite lives and I felt so happy and content that I didn't want to come back.

I was a young girl with long dark hair. My uniform was made up of a blue head scarf, white top and blue skirt. 

The place I was in was some kind of a religious or spiritual school; I assumed it was a nunnery. It had connections with healing and helping people and I loved this work that we were doing.

The building looked like it was made of sandstone and maybe terracotta tiles. It was red hot with a beautiful blue sky. It felt like the south of France. My days were planned in advance and all I had to think about was helping others.

Perhaps the most obvious connection to this life is the healing aspect. Today I am a healer, facilitating healing in others through reiki, sound, writing and thought provoking. 

Yellow Ribbon

This life was a bit of a shock and it took me a while to adjust and work out what was going on.

I was wearing a dark green army uniform. I was high ranking and on a balcony over looking a huge army as it paraded. The glimpse didn't give me enough to know what army I was in, but it felt Japanese. As I looked to my left I recognised the soul of my son, Dan. I don't know what relation he was to me. I felt quite hierarchical in this like I was very much in charge.

So, this was another life where I had a seemingly important job. I have to say though I didn't seem too impressed with the soldiers I was looking out on. I can only imagine the karma I brought after this life!

Red Ribbon

This was one of my least favourite lives to look back on - I was literally cringing!

In this life I was a pompous letch of a man. It felt like I was in France. I was wearing white tights, a huge white wig, black jacket with gold trim and was sporting a fake beauty spot. Ugh. I was stood in a very grand ballroom perusing the corseted ladies and deciding who I could take advantage of. I felt sick at my old self. I felt like I was in authority and I used this to get up to no good. Ooh la la!

Anyone who follows my blog will know that karma for these actions has come round in this life and taught me a lesson or two.

 Green Ribbon

I have been told of this life before.

I was the most beautiful and graceful Japanese lady, gliding along the floor as if I didn't touch it, let alone be wearing Okobo (platform clogs). I was in a black silk ornate Kimono and was maneuvering two fans in the most artistic fashion. Behind me were two maid girls dressed in bright yellow and I was teaching them how to walk and use fans. I was doll-like. Despite how good I was I knew I was Maiko (apprentice Geisha), not Geisha. I was old and hope was running out for me.

The viewing ended when I heard an important man coming and I hurried the girls out the room as I wasn't really supposed to be helping them.

Interesting how I was going behind authorities back (the important man) perhaps because I had had authority roles in previous lives I was unable to take authority in this life. It could just be my kind heart helping the girls out at a risk to me.

My house today is full of Geisha books, DVDs, and pictures as I've always loved them. Funny that.

Purple Ribbon

I still can't quite believe this life. Make of it what you will!

I was in Rome at The Vatican. I was dressed in a white robe with gold embroidery on it. I had a white hat with a gold embroidered cross on it. I had a gold staff with a cross at the top.  I was at some sort of a ceremony where everyone was dressed the same. It felt like an incredibly important occasion. At first I was getting the impression that I was the Pope!!! Since then I've managed to calm down and have demoted myself to Bishop, but still...OMG!

For once, I'm lost for words and too stunned to add to this.

Grey Ribbon

This life was cold - very cold! I was wearing rags for clothes and they felt rough (and cold!). I was barefoot in a forest or woods. I was incredibly poor and sad and I was all alone. I was desperately searching for food, berries etc. Although I was hungry it wasn't for me. Instead it was because I was distraught that the hunters were coming for a deer and that deer was my only friend. I was terrified they would kill him and I wanted to find an alternative to stop them doing that. My mind flashed to my current cat, Satoshi, and I couldn't help but wonder if the deer in that life contained his soul.

In this life I became vegetarian at age 12. Also, I do treat my pets like royalty, as opposed to 'just' a pet. They are my soul mates in this life too. I have such a fear of my cat dying and I think this is partially related to the devastation in this other life. 

Orange Ribbon

This life was shown to me in black and white like the old movies my nana and I used to watch. I took it to be 1920's? I was uber glamorous. I looked like Marilyn Monroe with blonde pin curls and bright red lips. I was a singer and a showgirl. I was looking in a mirror with lights all around it. I had an excitement in me like this was it and I was about to hit the big time. Sadly, I knew as well that I didn't make it to the 'big time'.

Perhaps this is where my love of vintage pinups and burlesque comes from? In this life I lack confidence and fear my perception of failure and I do wonder if this is left over energy from not making it as a Geisha or a singer. And perhaps that itself is karma for having been a judging high ranking officer in the army? 

Black Ribbon

This was the weirdest one of all and I still haven't quite figured it out. I'll write it out for you all and then give you my theory. If any of you have your own theories then please let me know via the comments box. This one has got me stumped.

Everything was either pitch black or pure white. There was no other colours at all. It was peaceful and blissful like nothing I've ever encountered and remembered before. I received the message "this is not Earth". To be fair, it didn't feel like it. 

There was no judgement, everything was One and the connection was obvious. The place or planet looked like a huge swirling yin yang symbol and it felt like a beautiful galaxy. 

A huge avatar of Jeshua (Jesus Christ) was shining gold white energy onto and into us and this was what was powering all of us. It felt vast and heavenly.

After some deep thought I believe this to be me and my twin in the womb. Babies can't see colour, only black and white, and I assume twins lie in the womb in a similar position to the yin yang symbol. 

The only other thing I could think it might be was my Starseed heritage. Who knows... I doubt I'll ever figure that one out.

I can't recommend this workshop enough. It was, frankly, cheap as chips and brilliant fun.

Everyone got something every time they went in to a new life. Mine was through a mixture of claircognizance (knowing), clairvoyance (seeing), and clairsentience (feeling), which is my normal way of navigating, but for others there was more clairaudience (hearing) and clairalience (smelling).

If you fancy doing the workshop or finding out more about Claire who ran it alongside Eleanor, and her other services offered, you can visit her lovely website here Claire's website

I don't know much about history so I've no idea how accurate these glimpses of lives are, or what era's they were supposed to be in, so, if you think you know more information about them, then please share via the comments box.

The only thing that I want to add, is that I don't personally, believe it matters what you were like in a past life. To me, it is all just the fragments of energy that make you up and the past lives we view are our perception of this energy - the way our mind processes or reads the energy and makes it understandable to us. As long as you are being the best version of you that you can be in the here and now, nothing else really matters, as we are all connected and everything comes round and 'rights' itself in one way or another.  

As the saying goes..."the past is not a destination..."

More like this:

Bereavement - Fighting Your Way Out of The Dark

Making Peace With The Past

Past Lives - How the Past is just An Illusion

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