Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Drugs Don't Work

Have you heard the one that goes "now the drugs don't work, they just make you worse..."? Love or hate the song, it's taken me a long time to realise the truth in that sentence.

It all started a long time ago, in my very early teens. Somehow I managed to dodge the rife drug taking in my new small town high school for months and still retain a small amount of kudos. However, inside the peer pressure was building. 

I felt more and more lost, less and less at home and the pressure to live up to the made up communities rules of drug taking and promiscuity mounted. 

The turning point came when I started going out with someone older than me. I was caught in an abusive relationship that was disguised as Love's Young Dream. Everyone thought we were the perfect couple and were even jealous of us. This confused me no end. 

I didn't know how to stop the abuse though I spent many nights awake trying to come up with a plan. The answer, or so I thought, presented itself to me one night.

Surrounded by people older and cooler than me, my boyfriend got a vinyl record out unannounced and proceeded to chop up drugs on it. He then wrapped the drugs in a cigarette paper. I was shocked to see there were five - one for each of us. Like with all things in this relationship no discussion had taken place and I knew I was short of choices. Everyone eagerly took theirs and turned to watch me. I was torn. A natural people pleaser, I wanted to please the people.

Here I was given a perfect opportunity to say "no" and leave forever. On the other hand, if I could be more like them, the abuse might stop. Ridiculous logic, but I was only a child. I obediently took the wrap. Sliding doors and all that.

The drugs didn't work. They just made things worse. Instead of magically changing me to the grown up girlfriend who wouldn't be abused, they heightened my feelings and loosened my control. I became more withdrawn, my drug addled brain stopped working and I retreated into a fantasy world of drug fuelled "fun". I genuinely thought it was fun, but what you don't know when you're on drugs is that anything is fun compared to the low of a come down. It's not a great benchmark to be starting from. Contrary to popular belief, a come down doesn't end when the physical symptoms go (like hangovers), the low becomes the norm and lasts years - lifetimes, if you let it. People on drugs won't agree, stagnated by their loyalty to their habit.

The worse I got, the weirder I acted and the less support I had around me as 'friends' fell away. There was no-one I could trust and the drugs became my only friend.

At the time of taking them I honestly thought I was having the time of my life, that I'd been awakened to another level of life that was an exclusive private members club. Don't get me wrong, I have also had some very good nights on drugs. At the height of my drug taking I was taking twenty odd E's mixed with other drugs and alcohol on a night out. I don't do things by halves, not even drugs. My ego (false sense of self) was allowed to run free. So, I, like my drug taking mates thought that us drug takers were better than everyone else, and shh! don't tell them as they're too small minded to handle the truth. This is the effect the drugs have on you. It's all smoke and mirrors, no pun intended. 

Now I'm on a spiritual path I can see that is all the illusion that your ego and the drugs create. The happiness, joy and unity felt whilst on the drugs is also fake - and actually conditional, so how can it be true?

Currently there's a growing trend for drugs that offer a spiritual way of life, DMT, trips, weed, they're all marketed as spiritual and awakening.

The thing with weed is people look to its native roots and the fact it's a plant, fair enough, but now it's mass produced and genetically modified. It also funds arms, human and terrorist trades. Spiritual? I'm sure Mother Earth is proud. If you watch what you eat then how is it different to watching what else you allow to contaminate your body.

Sure, trips (DMT included) break down constraints of belief systems taught to us, which is part of a spiritual path, but they don't allow a space for you to honestly discover your truth, so it's counter-productive. By taking chemicals to try and induce an adventure we're signalling to the universe that our own life is lacking that and we don't love ourselves. What you put out, you get back. 

It's not that I'm against drugs (glasshouse? stone?), I just happen to be experienced in taking them and being clean, enough for me to pick my side. I don't take drugs anymore. 

If you really want to get high and experience intense bliss, escape it all and break down the constraints of life, there's no better way than meditating. It's honestly that simple. In your own space is where you'll find everything you need to live an amazing life, full of truth, freedom, beauty and love...

Peace out.


Monday 6 January 2014

Moving House Is One Of The Most Stressful Life Events?

I'm one of those people that doesn't need to do a review of the previous year on 1st January. Mainly because my overly-analytical mind has reviewed the year to death by the time we reach January. When January comes, the previous year needs a break from being picked to pieces by my mind. 

Last year (2013) was meant to be a "big" year for me. Recovering from a nervous breakdown, I was meant to get married, go on a once-in-a-lifetime honeymoon, buy a house and change career following redundancy. All bar one of those events happened and even that wasn't as planned. The lesson? Don't bother planning? Maybe I bit off more than I could chew and it became impossible to put positive energy into it all and therefore it all fell apart, bar the one thing that was happening right there and then (career change). 

Whatever the lesson, it is safe to say it has left me with some scarring. As have past events. You see, this year the wheels are in motion to move house. We can't buy now as a failed wedding and a separation cost a surprisingly large amount of money, amongst other things. A new rental is on the cards. I should be excited. Should be.

What I've come to realise is that every time I've moved home in the past something unwelcome has happened to me. Far from being a happy exciting time, it's one of nervous apprehension. This can only bring negative results so I must find a way to be positive about it. I've decided to "feel the fear and do it anyway."

My first ever house move in Liverpool took me away from my sacred space and spirit friends (click here for more on that - theres-no-place-like-home) . This wasn't so bad except that the house we moved to had a bad feeling about it and seeing the old lady at the back of the house as a spirit when she passed away, had me scared for months! 

Then we moved away from Liverpool, which broke my heart and caused me further problems fitting in, resulting in me being abused (click here for more on that silence-speaks-thousand-words) . 

After that, I all but ran away to Exeter and that led to a story that would honestly make a good blockbuster movie. I'm not going to give details of it, other than to say it was very scary (even if you're not a scaredy cat like me). I returned from Exeter pregnant, jobless and eventually single too and that was the good part! 

The next move took me to my present day house, which is haunted. I don't have much luck do I?! (click here for more on that me-my-house-and-i) . To be fair, we've had some brilliant times here too, but also an awful lot of things have gone 'wrong'.

You can see why I might be frightened of a move now, can't you? 

We can choose in life whether history repeats itself, every day we have the power to change our story, to rewrite history and not to let what's happened to us, define us. 

I'm moving out, I'm moving on... and it will rewrite history. It will change the way I feel about moving house and it will change my life for the better. They say that moving house is one of the most stressful life events alongside grief, getting married, divorce, redundancy and a new baby. Well, I've 'sort of' done all those and survived, so this should be a stroll in the park. Bring. It. On.

Whatever your plans or events for 2014, I wish you all the very best for the greatest good. Here's to our adventures!

More like this:

There's No Place Like Home

Me, My House and I

The End of An Era

Thursday 2 January 2014

Oracle Card Reading For The Month Ahead

I got some new cards for Christmas so here is a card reading for you all using some of them. This has been done for the month ahead. Whenever you are drawn to this page, that is when the card reading applies, as it is the energy of the cards that draws you in.

Week 1-2

20 (2 + 0 = 2) The number 2 represents co-operation and balanced judgement through awareness. Interesting how the week number has shown up in the card number too - this strengthens its meaning.


A review of where you are at, or the past year has left you feeling lack rather than gratitude. You have been focussing on what you want rather than what you already have, even making comparisons to others you know.

This card is asking you to take a look closer to home at all you have. The woman is holding a platter of silver and pearl, living in a castle but looks outward and sees gold - she can not see her own riches. She is envious of others and is always seeking more, rather than being content with what she already has.

Now is the time to shift focus to what you do have and what you have achieved. Once you shift focus to gratitude you will open the door for more reasons to be grateful and the positive golden energy will flow freely through your life. 

Let go of lack and your life will never be lacking.

Week 2-3

46 (4 + 6 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1) The number 1 represents new beginnings and a spiritual journey. The new beginning is accelerated by the presence of 0 (God/Life Force energy).

The Thinking Man

Ooh! This is an interesting card for you all...

This card is telling you that a teacher or guru is going to enter or become apparent in your life. The card is one of male energy so it is likely to be a man, or maybe a ladette! They carry lessons of great benefit and you must look out for this teacher.

It is a sign that you should consider learning something new, taking up a new course/hobby, change in direction or even just commit to personal spiritual growth.

For those who are single and that like men, this can represent that a man is about to enter your life. This man will be a deep thinker and may have a lesson for you: he may help you love again or even just to try new things. He will be a teacher or a giver of life lessons.

For everyone else, be open to the wisdom of people around you, particularly new people you meet, as they will have a lot to teach you.

The clue for this person is that they could be a lover of nature or being outdoors or perhaps a collector of crystals or some other earth resource. Keep your eyes peeled!

Week 3-4  

34 (3 + 4 = 7) The number 7 represents spiritual awakening / enlightenment. Interesting how the week number has shown up in the card number again too - this strengthens its meaning.

Door to Personal Healing and Happiness

I'm so happy I pulled this card for you all!

This is a sign that positive change is about to happen. This is especially relating to letting go of addictions, bad habits and anything that holds you back, this includes if you have a negative outlook.

Some personal growth and healing is about to take place. This will start with letting go of the sense of lack, a teacher will become known to you to help with that and the end result is you stepping out into a new beautiful life as depicted on the card.

This change is going to set you free.

The following card was pulled to support the reading. 

Fly Away

Take flight and fill life with colours

This is telling you to embrace the changes, the lessons and the new start so you can shine brighter than ever.

Over Christmas I heard a lot about people missing loved ones. It's understandable and it is of course the time of year when we perhaps miss people the most. I therefore did a card reading for all those who are missing a loved one. I asked for a collective message from all the loved ones, rather than a personal reading. This is their collective message to us all:

I was met by so many loving people, There is no such thing as death

I'm not going to add too much of my own take on this as the cards say it all for me. If you are missing someone please know that they have moved on to a peaceful place where they will transform and start a new life. If they belong to your Soul Pod, which, if they have been significant in this life, they more than likely do, you will no doubt meet again when their next role meets yours.