Saturday 27 September 2014

What it Means to Heal

There are many interpretations of what it means to heal. For the purpose of this blog post, I have written about my own personal viewpoint on what healing is to me.

So many people ask me what I do for a living and when I tell them I'm a healer, they ask me to 'fix' a physical ailment for them. This is a sign of the times. We are all looking for the quick fix, the magic pill, the way-out...

It pains me that I witness lots of 'lost' people, who have stagnated; can't find their way or face the real them, in order to truly heal.

Don't get me wrong, we all have wounds we're not ready to excavate yet. This is normal. I'm talking about when we know we have the wounds, we've been ready for a while, but we outright refuse to ever excavate them. Instead we put on a brave face and pretend all is OK. In this scenario it is usual for that person to have an addiction/obsession that distracts them from the real work that needs doing and provides a mask for them. Something like; smoking, drinking, taking drugs, excessive dieting, over exercising, sleeping around, big beauty routines, workalholism, comfort eating, shopping mania - those sort of things - usually under the disguise of being something they love or for health reasons, which they will believe to be true. It prevents them from having time to honestly face what they don't like about themselves - the pain - the shame - the hurt - the anger - the resentment - the unworthiness - the lack of self love - the list goes on.... I refer to these unacknowledged aspects of self as 'darkness'. I know this because I used to be able to tick off that list a fair few of those distractions myself. All the addictions do is serve as plaster over the cracks. 

Here, in the West, we're used to quick fixes due to our fast-paced lives and so we think of healing as curing something, in other words, removing it from existence and pretending it isn't there anymore. A fast-track avoidance technique.

Healing in the West is associated with the physical and easily tangible, because this is more measurable and as such manageable. It flatters to deceive that all is well. When I refer to healing, I do not refer to this type of healing. 

Root cause is rarely looked at, nor do we look passed the most inconvenient aspect of what's bothering us. 

Most of us work and in work there are standardised policies detailing how certain illnesses and life changes should be dealt with. Within them are set timescales for how long someone can be expected to be away from work and what support they might need. This is another aspect of cure, not heal. Trying to second guess how something should affect someone and how entitled they are to help with it. It's the sticking plaster effect. Stating how long someone has to get over (and on) with something. After that it's covered up and forgotten about. Not allowing any extra time to deal with it.

Healing isn't like that. Quite simply because life isn't like that. It's more complex than that. One thread leads to another, it's all inter-linked.

My view on healing is that it's uncovering layer upon layer of darkness to be made conscious, worked through and eventually, when the time is right, released to the light. 

It's the search for the lesson; the positive, the rhyme and reason, the chance to grow and evolve. The getting to know yourself again and again...through every falsehood - a quest for the truth. The creation of a deepening of the knowledge of your soul and your journey.

It's never ending with no real destination. We can't force ourselves to heal, but at the same time, too much delaying or denial isn't helpful, as we need to at least be honest with ourselves. It helps too, to have a good rummage in the things you thought you'd dealt with, as it's highly likely that you actually haven't. In my experience, we tell ourselves we are done with our 'stuff', when the real work is about to begin. A strange sort of protection we offer ourselves, like an opt-out, whilst in flight or fight.

If you can't shine a light on the aspects of you, that you don't really like, you'll never learn to love yourself fully. Without love we can not heal. After all, love is healing in action. The very process of evolution, the intention to honestly improve something, to change it for the greatest all that is needed to start the healing motion and spark a deeper love affair with you. A simple barometer to use is this: if it isn't love based, it doesn't belong to you and as such it needs healing.

When we face our pain, we face our shadow selves and though this can be difficult, when done diligently, there is nothing more liberating than resolving to change the past; rewriting our history - re-telling our story in a more positive light and seeing through the eyes of grace, the beauty in the hidden depths of us.

The real shame is that we've been taught not to go there, instead, to make do. To somehow bury our hurts as if they're not a valid part of us too. This sometimes is displayed in us like this:

* the feeling we've been shaken up by something but we don't allow it to shake us up for long (root chakra)
* like repressed feelings (sacral chakra)
* that sinking feeling that we suppress in our gut (solar plexus)
* the defense we put up instead of being open (heart chakra)
* the lump in our throat that we swallow down (throat chakra)
* the realisation / wisdom about something but we choose to ignore it in case it causes change (brow/crown chakra)

All too often we can't find the time, space or strength to look within and begin the unravelling of the traumas, the misdemeanours, the things that didn't turn out how we wanted them to, and start to make genuine sense of them.

We are not conditioned to see things as 100% us, but instead to accept them as something that happened to us, not through us. 

The power is all ours to change our lives, but since our lives are just a reflection of what's inside of us, a play out of our own energy, we can't expect big changes on the outside if we don't do the work on the inside first.

Being a healer means this process is taken out of your hands and you find yourself on auto-pilot examining every facet of your being over and over again. Rather like a computer anti-virus software scanning for threats. This is the way of the healer, working noon and night to heal themselves, so that you, may too, be healed. It's a type of energy exchange in a lead by example kind of way.

Healing is freedom; in the absence of judgement, there is discernment, in the facing of fears, there is love, in the acceptance, there is forgiveness and in the forgiveness there is letting go, in the letting go you become free.

Take a peek at your darkest moments, for in looking at them, you are allowing yourself to make good from them. In ignoring them, you give them power.

The analogy I use with my clients is this: if you want a beautiful garden, you have to regularly dig out the weeds and tend to the garden. 

Written with passion for my life purpose of healing. Sending healing thoughts to those who have not consciously chosen to heal yet. I hope you find your way to the miracle of a better you.

To heal is to truly transform from the inside out.

More like this:

The Energetics of Illness and How You Can Use Them To Heal

It's Time To Talk

Channelled Healing Songs and Poems

What Goes Around Comes Around on the Karmic Wheel of Justice

What is Reiki?

Friday 12 September 2014

An Introduction to Working With the Angels - Workshop

Ever wanted to know how to connect with, invoke and work with angels? 

Curious and want to know more about what angels are and how they work?

Want to learn some easy techniques for using angels to help you all day, every day? 

This transformational workshop is for you.

Don't delay, book today!

True Transformations Reiki is offering this fun packed interactive workshop at a bargain price of just £20 per person, payable via PayPal.

The workshop is taking place at The Healing Temple of Light, Penwortham, Preston, UK and can be booked via

The workshop will cover: 

* What are angels
* Popular types of angels
* How and why to ground yourself
* Unique ways for you to personally invoke and connect with angels
* How angels work and communicate with us
* Signs from angels
* Best practice - what to ask for, what not to ask for!
* Not getting what you want, why this might be and what to do about it
* Some basic angelic techniques and a chance to practice them

Plus, much more....

Light refreshments will be provided for this half day workshop running 9.30am - 1.30 pm on Saturday 1st November 2014.

Louise has been working closely with angels since she was a very little girl and here she wants to share some of her knowledge with you, so you too can benefit from the love and light of our angelic friends.

The course is aimed at beginners or those already working with angels who want to learn more about them.

Places are very limited, so to guarantee yours, contact Louise at True Transformations today. Payment is required to secure your place.