Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Energetics of Illness and How You Can Use Them to Heal

We've all been ill at some stage in our lives, even if it was only something classed as minor - like the Flu. Most of us remember it, maybe even the date, what it felt like etc.

Even if you're ultra fit and healthy and never really experienced an illness that's left it's mark, perhaps you've witnessed its unfolding in someone close to you; a parent, a child, a sibling, a partner...

How we deal with illness dictates how ill we get. How so? The energy of being unwell is a tough one. First and foremost you feel ill; tired - exhausted even, helpless, vulnerable and I think we all agree that we tend to feel an urgency to get back to how we were - well.

Lately I've been ill constantly and this is the danger of the energy of illness - since once you get ill, you feel ill and like attracts like. On top of that, this urgency to return to full health creates a strong energetic bond and attracts the 'like' and the 'like' is basically more reasons to want to be well again. It becomes a vicious circle and one that's hard to break.

As we frantically try everything to get well again (I've personally tried diet, supplements, Drs advice, reiki, crystal healing, praying, meditations, affirmations...) the energy of being unwell gains pace - you're inadvertently feeding it.

It seems the best way to be is to surrender to it, perhaps only seeking to find what it is trying to teach you. In my case, it could well be patience or even just surrendering, itself.

Admittedly, some illnesses are harder than others to break away from, partially because the very name of the illness carries an energy of fear about it. We all know the 'C' word, right? When someone says it, what energy do you feel? By being frightened we are collectively giving the 'C' word power as intent is what gives energy life and purpose. 

How do you detach from the word, the diagnosis and it's associated energy? It becomes YOUR diagnosis and that itself can be unhelpful in terms of detaching. If you're not able to detach, it could very well start to become you, to define you, to rule you....when people think of you they immediately think of the illness too (note: I didn't call it YOUR illness!) and they don't realise it but in doing so they are adding to its staying power. 

It's my personal belief that at the heart of every physical illness there is a mental cause and that if you heal the mental cause, you in turn will heal the physical.

The chart below is taken from the brilliant book by Louise Hay - You Can Heal Your Life

My symptoms all check in with and match up to my emotional causes as shown on this chart.

I also believe that we create absolutely every single thing in our own lives. We are the Universe experiencing itself - like little Gods/Goddesses we have creative power whether we know it/believe it or not. Our thoughts, words, actions and - most importantly - our beliefs attract things into our lives for us to experience and/or learn from.

Clearly, if you've created a hideous illness for yourself this is not conscious or deliberate and often it's a by-product of something we haven't been able to deal with emotionally that has buried itself deep down in our energetic layers and has now transformed into illness. You didn't ask for it and it was not purposeful. The good news is that once we accept this, we can heal it, though, I also accept there will be cases of karma and pre-ordained Soul Plans that exist where healing is not necessarily possible.

There's a very good website here astrologymuse - emotional causes of your physical illness that lists the underlying emotional cause of a lot of illnesses. Again, I checked some of mine and they were correct.  

So no matter how ill you are, how rubbish you feel, how attached you've become to what's happening to you, you can start to change it at a pace that suits you. You can cut the energetic cords, face the emotional cause with support and change how you think and once those changes start to sink into your sub-conscious and become a belief, you will be some way to healing.

This, of course, should all be done whilst following medical advice to deal with the physical symptoms. 

I've just begun this process myself with the many things I've attracted in to my life. It will be interesting to see how I get on and success will be 100% my responsibility. 

However you are affected and no matter how long it's gone on, there is hope that you can find your way out of it and back to a healthy and healed you. I'm not saying it'll be easy, I'm saying it'll be worth it.

 A good place to start is your language. I've lost count of how many times I've recently said out loud "I feel dreadful", "I feel so ill" and since words are energy, they are adding to the illness and signalling to my sub-conscious that...I feel dreadful and so ill, and so it continues...I can't really expect it not to when I've been telling myself it!

I've noticed too that in a quest for the latest thing that is going to 'fix' you, you start to 'own' the illness and everything about it, by becoming an expert, you are also becoming connected. It's not that you should never speak about it again, as sometimes we need to release by talking to someone - it's more a case of with a little more care over words, and a refusal to 'own' the illness, you will make in roads to recovery.

It's also helpful to develop an unwavering belief that whatever you've chosen to do, in order to heal, is going to work. This is because our beliefs power our reality. This isn't an on the surface belief,as in, if you're 'lucky' it'll work, no, this is deep-rooted absolute certainty that's needed. Without it you'll get mixed results. 

Wherever you are, whatever is happening and however you're feeling, know in your heart that you deserve to heal, to be well again and healthy and that with the right approach it can and will be achieved. Sending out waves of love to all that are unwell at this moment, may the moment pass with ease and grace until you are well again. 

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What is Reiki?

Channelled Healing Songs and Poems

It's Time To Talk

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What it Means to Heal

Written with assistance from Archangel Gabriel. Thank you, Gabriel, for helping with my recent writers block. <3